School's out for winter

If you’ve lived in this area for more than 5 years, you know the story. If it snows on Day 1… expect Day 5 to still be a snow day. And so it was in Wake County this weekend. It snowed (barely) Thursday night so Friday was naturally a snow day. Then came a solid dumping Friday night followed by two days of beautiful, snowy and generally above freezing temps on Saturday and Sunday. But since Sunday night was 30F… snow day.

To make sure all was ok this morning, a recon of the DDMS parking lots was in order. I picked up Flip, who was on time this time, and we headed to Wolverine. Still dark… still cold… still quite slick. Going to have to be careful out there.

As the PAX start to gather, Ma brings up last night’s excellent Bills v Chiefs playoff game. It had everything. Two QBs at the top of their game going toe to toe with seconds left on the clock. Go ahead TDs… tie-ing FGs… OT… and a heartbreaking loss. But before the nine of us who watched the game could get into it, Loom notes that he hasn’t… that he taped it… and that he’d appreciate us not spoiling it for him. So warning was made at the flag and the Site Q’s wishes were honored. Shockingly.



Two pickles around the parking lot followed by GMs (7x IC), IW (15x IC), overhead claps (20x IC), MC (20x IC), plank jacks (15x IC) and merkins (20, omd). Maybe something else too but I can’t remember.

Mosey over to DDMS.

Careful of the 15 yo walking down the sidewalk at 5:37am. Weird.


Parking Lot 1:

Slippery so we recon the joint. A few slick spots. Not too bad.

Partner up. Partner 1 runs the pickle (careful for ice) while Partner 2 alternates 10 merkins & 20 squats. Repeat 3x.

Parking Lot 2:

Looks worse so we re-recon the joint. Lots of danger. Modify.

Partner 1 starts with gorilla hops… then bear crawls… then lunges… around the pickle. Partner 2 alternates 20 merkins and 20 LBCs.

Parking Lot 3:

Sloped and dry. No recon.

Partner 1 moseys the pickle. Partner 2 alternates 10 HRM and 10 Merkins. This one sucked.

Left the premises and crossed Davis to the pre-K down the street.

Parking Lot 4:

Commercial lot. No ice in sight.

Partner 1 does the gorilla-bear-lunge thing. Partner 2 alternates 20 WWII and 20 wide grip merkins.

Back to the flag for 50 IC halfway down squats.


  • 10 guys. Three from the 56 club and one at 57. Solid.
  • Prayers for Higgins and WWW’s family and business and for Jim, who is rehabbing a hip replacement.
  • Announcements: Raleigh 10-year; Duck Donuts; Chain gang

YHC took us out.

See also