School Daze

I gotta tell you, YHC was not feeling too good today. Lots of sniffling and sneezing over the last 24 hours, but what could be a better cure than getting after it with my brothers? Maybe a hot toddy and a nap, but this was a close second.


Mosey over to the parking deck and up to the top level and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers and Sir Fazios. Then Crimson decided to complain a little too much and YHC had to throw in some penalty burpees. We closed with good afternoons.

The Thang

Mosey down the stairs and ask Crimson if he knows where we’re going. The frickin’ pain sticks! Then he tells me he looked earlier and saw that the Town of Cary had moved the pain sticks. No need to even check. So let’s mosey over to the playground at Kingswood Elementary.

One man calls two exercises, then runs the track while the rest of the PAX alternate between ten reps of the first exercise and ten reps of the second exercise. Repeato until each man has run the track. We did pull-ups, merkins, dips, irkins, derkins, squat jumps, American hammers, LBCs, dying cock-a-roaches, Catalina wine makers, Supermans, and probably a few others. We had time for each man to run the track three times before time started running out.

Mary Mosey back to the pocket park and circle up for one more exercise, Have A Nice Day!


Count-a-rama:  6 Name-a-rama:  1 RESPECTs, 3 meh, 2 HATEs Prayers / Praises:  Continued prayers for Captain Kirk’s mother, continued prayers for Hi-Liter and his family, prayers for safe and peaceful travels for Crimson and his M BOM:  YHC took us out


Thanks to the PAX for doing a lot of the leading today. It is very much appreciated.

There’s a lot to do at that school, it’s nice that the longer days have made it available to us again. We will be back.

Repeato is rucking the Maynard tomorrow, and still showed up tonight. Strong!

Welcome FNG Slab! Captain Kirk brought him out, hope we see him again soon.

It’s an honor to lead this group of HIM.

See also