
The Carpex social medias were abuzz the past few days:  would the AOs be open on Friday?  Turns out the answer was yes, as Hurricane Florence’s weather held off just enough for the men to safely post across Carpex.  That being said, the followers of DangerZone across the globe wondered who the QIC would be.  With @shutincarpex signed up with the Q, the weather was still very suspicious, so Shut-In understandably opted to stay closer to home. @f3pierogi let me know Shut-In wasn’t going to Q in pleeeeenty of time…….as we were jogging over to the DZ AO. Pierogi:  “Shut-In let me know he won’t make it today”. Flip Flop:  “Yes of course, makes sense”. Pierogi:  “Ok then, you got the Q.  Do you have a plan”? Flip Flop (thinking it was just going to me and Pierogi posting):  “No problem”.

As we rounded the corner to DZ, it was clear there would be more men than me and Peeeerogi.  zoiks.

Rewind to yesterday afternoon in the neighborhood cul-de-sac.  Most of us were home by early afternoon, as the threat of Florence resulted in early closures across the Triangle.  I pull up from work about 2:00 p.m. to at least 12 kids and their parents in the cul-de-sac ready to start the Hurricane party.  Peeerogi’s M and my M, FIA names SUP and Tinker respectively, quickly welcome me a pour me a Moscow Mule.  Oh geez. Because of the probable wet weather coming the next few days, everyone wanted to let the kids play outside as long as possible.  The adults continued to irresponsibly gulp Moscow Mules throughout the afternoon and early evening (it’s not what you think though; the kids are fine in the cul-de-sac, as we have put one of those invisible fence things around perimeter of cul-de-sac.  in short, the kids were fine….although Peeeerogi got shocked a couple times).

By 7:15 p.m., I observed Peeeerogi grilling burgers.  He was standing in front of the grill with tongs in one hand and Moscow Mule in the other.  Well, he wasn’t really standing; he was swaying back-and-forth.  Everytime he swayed to the right, a bit of his Moscow Mule sloshed over the top of his cup into the grill, which resulted in intermittent bursts of high flames….dangerously close to the love of his life….his beard.   Anyhoo, that’s when I decided to go home and post to the FartSacker’s channel that I was out for Friday.   ……but when I got up to go pee-pee at 5:00 a.m., I figured I couldn’t let DZ down, so got dressed and headed out the door.  Then there in the shadows was Peeerogi with the Shovel Flag ready to go; it was on!  The bad news was this:  Peeerogi reeked of Moscow Mules and displayed a singed beard.

Now where was I….oh yes, we jogged into DangerZone with no plan.  At least the Nantan wouldn’t be there to witness the debacle.  guuuulp…….the Nantan himself, @mabellcarpex, was standing there waiting with his arms crossed and looking at me and Peeerogi like grade school kids in trouble.  guuuulp. Just then, @burtcarpex drove in way over the park’s posted speed limit, blasting some 70’s disco song, which made my head start pounding…..well, that and the thought of Burt MumbleChatter.  My eyes were a bit double-visiony and blurry too, as I couldn’t believe what I thought I was seeing.  To confirm, I squeezed my eyes shut and opened again….yep he’s standing there…I squeezed my eyes tight again and re-opened.  Yes it was true.  Right there in front of my blurry eyes:  @sammyboilermakr Callahan!  The pressure of a good Q was definitely on now.  But the substitute Q for today, Flip Flop, didn’t even have a watch.  Graciously, Sabre let me wear his watch.  Just as we were about to start, another car pulled up, so a classic #StallTechnique was implemented immediately to allow ScareCrow to join us.

Here’s what we did (I think):

Warm-Up: Jogged twice around the World Famous Danger Zone Pickle.  Ollie took the lead comfortably on the warm-up jog….like he coulda run for dayz. Squat with arms out to side—->Fazios x 15—->Morocan ScareCrows x 20, GM x 10, Invisible Jump Rope x 30, Mercan x 20, chillcutt 20 count. Jog around The Pickle again with butt kicks, side skips, retro runs.

The Thangs: Partner Up—sprint opposite directions around the Pickle.  Meet your partner for 10 partner Derkins.  Sprint around again and meet partner for #Hurricane Burpees x 10.  Repeato for 3 sets.

Jog over to the guard rail for 3 sets of descending Underdogs and Overdogs:  x 15, x 10, x 5.  Jog over to parking lot to paint the lines:  ~25 yd front-retro, ~25 yd side shuffles. Squat hold w Morocan ScareCrow circles x 15.

Mosey over to Smurf Island.  Plank hold—>chillcutt—->side chillcutt—->side chillcut Shakiras x 15 each side—->chillcutt—->Wright Brothers x 20. Partner Up:  Partner 1 bearcrawl around the sand box area; Partner 2 AMRAP Burp-Ups. Bobby Hurley’s x 15 OYO.

Mosey to bottom of The Pickle.  Partner suicides:  partner 1 sprint ~20 yds, partner 2 Freddie Mercs AMRAP; partner 1 sprint ~40 yds, partner 2 Dying Cockroaches AMRAP;  partner 1 sprint 60 yds, partner 2 LBCs AMRAP.

Mosey to top of stairs at sand volleyball court.  Crabwalk down performing 5 dips every ~5 steps.  Sumo Squat Jumps while waiting for your turn.  On the way back up the stairs: x 15 @f3bartman calf raises each leg.

Mosey to parking lot.  Plank on parking line—>traveling planks down the parking line and back.  MC Hammers x 20.

Mosey to the bottom of the Pickle.  75% sprint half way up, 100% to the Shovel Flag. Mary:  x 16 E2Ks each side.  All done.

Count-a-rama:  11 (good mix of hate, mehs, and respecks) Name-a-rama:  see the list of fine men Announcements:  picnic rescheduled. Praises/Prayers:  @andrewpassarotti Jiggly Puff will be starting a new job on Monday (today was suppose to be his last day at current job, but weather didn’t allow—-so much for the going away party).  Also, prayers for all the folks that will be effected by the Hurricane.

Nekkid Mole Skin * Dude, you shoulda seen Jiggly Puff’s shorts, and I emphasize short.  You thought Burt was short?  No, Jiggly’s shorts were straight outta the 1968 NBA.  Get this: his tights were longer than his shorts, which is unacceptable.  Like wearing socks with crocks.  I asked him about his short shorts, and Jiggly proudly said, “They were for the BRR”.   The shorts certainly shortened his stride; probably added 6 or 7 minutes to each his BRR legs.

*  Resume was back after his first post yesterday.  Resume is the grandson…er…I mean son of Sabre.  While jogging to next exercise locale, I asked Resume to tell me his resume again.  It was loooooong.  Dude does it all.  Then he asked me about my resume.  I told him mine was not nearly as long as his:  just 3 World Championships.

*  Lovebirds Ma Bell and Goose carpooled to DZ.  They even partner with each other for all partner exercises.  They are cute.

*  Did I mention Callahan was there.  It was like seeing a ghost!  A ghost I say, just like when he was a DangerZone site Q.  In all seriousness, it was glorious to have him be able to post at DZ again.  He even picked up the Shovel Flag when it fell, and replanted it.  He is a Danger Zone legend.

*  Speaking of site Qs, lots of former DZ site Qs were present today…..except LargeMouth, who appeared to be enjoying himself at SWW…..

* …..speaking of SWW, Happy Anniversary, ya’ll!  Even being jilted on their actual anniversary date, they looked to have made the best of it this morning.  Here’s to another 50 weeks!

*  the boy ScareCrow came in a couple minutes late, but QIC made the most of it by performing multiple #MoroccanScarecrow exercises.  It’s done like this:  get in squat position, arms out like a scarecrow, them moroccan nightclubs.  Planted the seed for possible #signaturemove for his Q, but he’ll prolly come up with his own move!

* BurpUps were going to be a really good exercise, but the fail was using a bar too short.  Perform burpee, then jump up to perform one pull-up, repeat.  But, the bar was so low that you just reached up to grab pull-up bar.  Oh well.  It’ll be better next time.

* Lastly we all remembered that it was an honor to be outside and have the ability for some F3 today.  With this Hurricane changing people’s lives, their homes, their memories, we were all humbled to say the least.

luvyoubye, Flip Flop (that’s singular)

See also