Save the date for January 10-11, 2020 for 42-42-14: First Rucking CSAUP of the Decade!

A look back to this time last year - I was 212 pounds, had just needed to buy a suit for a job interview - 44 Regular with 38"(!!!) waist - and was told by my doc that I needed to lose weight and exercise more. So over the holidays, the former “Sad Clown me” committed to rucking at least 500 miles in 2019, and to get my average weight for the year below 190. I started out January really strong, rucking a ton of miles, but was doing it all by myself (without even having a fern to keep me company). As I was looking for a GORUCK “official” ruck club, I stumbled upon F3. I made my first post at Rolling Stone on 2/22/19, and was immediately hooked, not just by the workout, but the fellowship at the finest coffeteria in western Cary on a Friday.

Fast forward to today - I’ve crushed my rucking mileage target (currently at 650) over the course of 190 individual rucks to date, had to buy another new suit - 40 regular with 34"(!!!) waist - and am down to 185(ish) pounds, while decreasing fat percent by 7 and increasing muscle percent by 5. This is the first time that I have continued a fitness and wellness program more than six months since varsity sports in high school. Acceleration like this needs to be acknowledged, so….

I will be celebrating the completion of my 42nd trip around the sun with an EPIC rucking CSAUP that will start on Friday January 10th at 6 PM and continue for 42 miles until my birthday on Saturday January 11th, with the goal of completing by 8 AM (14 hours). YHC will be lugging 42 pounds of weight, but I welcome any ruck weight (or no ruck at all) to join me!


Startex / Endex: Casa de Weidner (CDW aka my home (and my hospital initials FWIW)) at 105 Equestrian Court, Cary NC 27513. I have a 6 mile loop and a 13 mile loop planned x 2 and then a final push. Extra bonus - you haven’t Rucked the Maynard before, you will get the chance to do that if you come for either of the 13 mile loops!

Target Moving Pace: between 17:30 and 18:30 min / miles, to allow for rest and Priorities of Work (foot care, hydration, food, bourbon)

Segments & Target departure times (all from CDW):

Segment 1 - depart at 6 PM, 6 mile loop

Segment 2 - depart no later than 8 PM, 13 mile loop

Segment 3 - depart shortly after midnight, 6 mile loop (there may be a celebratory beverage at midnight to mark the beginning of my 43rd trip around the sun)

Segment 4 - depart no later than 2 AM, 13 mile loop

Segment 5 - depart no later than 6 AM. Finish by 8 AM

All times are approximate, and I will figuring out more details on comms over the holidays.

Please plan on joining for some or all of the event, it would be awesome to have a lot of company as I go through this EPIC tribulation. For the time being, please email me with when you’re looking to join (, and I will get a doc going to track who’s gonna be with me when.