Saturday lunch bunch

YHC was on the home front on this Saturday morning. With that, YHC put it out there, “any him looking to join for a mid-day beatdown, we’ll launch from SNS at 1130,” and the boom in the gloom saw YHC, Disco Duck, Ollie and Mojo roll out.

The entire thang:

  • Run to the lot at High House and Cary Pwy for quick feet, cerkins, quick feet, derkins, quick feet, curb mountain climbers.
  • Back on the road headed down Cary Pwy, stop along the way for Disco Duck calling Mary of LBC, American Hammers, Dying Cockroach, and we’re back on our feet.
  • Head to the trail, stop for a round of squats and then take it to a small playground for pullups, cerkins, bench dips.
  • Back on the trail all the way back to the rock pile on the back side of New Hampshire for curls, triceps, press and rows lead by YHC. Let’s run up the steps to see NH in all her glory. Back down for rock curls (x3 positions).
  • We roll again over to Carpex Stadium where a Sadclown with small daughters was holding a football. YHC put the hand up signifying the “hit me,” he did and we tossed the pig skin back.
  • Bear crawl the hill, and then mosey back to the flagless lot.

COT to make it official and a quick prayer by YHC to take us out. Thank you men for joining me. HIM status for Duck and Ollie as this was their double dip.

See also