Sandbag audible

YHC was in the middle of a BH butt-kicking recently and noticed a REAL NICE stack of sand bags, and so naturally I designed an entire workout around them… and naturally they started to split and spill the sand RIGHT AFTER WE STARTED… but I’m jumping ahead.

Pax out on a crisp sub 50 degree morning in Apex. 1 FNG c/o the Greek God of the Olympiad. A purrfectly nailed disclaimer and mission statement and we’re off.


  • Review the 5 core principles of F3 w/ a burpee for every principle. The Pax crushed the order, well done.
  • Other stuff was done for warm-ups, to boot.

The Thang:

  • Over to the pile of sand bags.
  • Every pax get a bag.
  • The intention was to have the pax 1) Fireman drag the bag across the lot (quickly that changed to backwards duck walk with the bag) 2) Bear crawl and toss the bag back across the lot 3) Curl the bag 25 times 4) Squat with the bag 25 times
  • The GD bag literally started to spill on round 1 and as good stewards of our FREE and OUTDOOR facilities we quickly decided to put the bags back.
  • So, get 2 bricks and do all of the above, but for the back and forth across the lot bear crawl horse step (brick in each hand).
  • Do that once and then run 4 laps
  • Do that again and then run 3 laps… going all the way down to 1 lap.
  • When all done, grab the bricks for a big circle of exercises including brick press, brick flys, and a bunch of brick core exercises.
  • Head back to the main lot with the FNG setting the pace up front.

Mary from some pax and we’re done!

COT: 22 on hand, welcome FNG Mayflower, YHC took us out!

See also