Safety is Paramount

CarPEX Nation,

The death of Cheech has shaken F3 Nation to its core. It’s an opportune moment for us to reassess as a region and as individuals how we conduct our workouts and make sure we have a plan if something were to happen to one of us.


You may want to consider these easy ways to keep emergency contact information available to someone who can help you if need it

  1. Add your Emergency Contact to our new Pax List This doc has two tabs.  Our official pax roster and the 2nd is a new emergency contact tab.  To access this info go to (It is password protected for privacy reasons.  The password Carpex) -
  2. Update your emergency contacts in your iPhone. That will enable anyone to call your emergency contact even from a locked phone. It also can display information that might be important to first responders such as blood type and medications. I’m sure Android has something similar. This obviously means you need to carry your cell phone with you. -
  3. Road ID. I have one of these I wear when cycling. Consider getting one and wearing it when you run and at F3 workouts.

In a true emergency, call 9-1-1 before fiddling with someone’s phone to find their emergency contact information.

Bartman made a good suggestion: Most if not all of our AOs have at least one AED on site. Site Qs, let’s make an effort to know where they are, and know how to use them.

F3 General Running Safety Tips

  • Use your ears to be aware of your surroundings. Your ears may help you avoid dangers your eyes may miss during evening or early morning runs.
  • Run against traffic so you can observe approaching automobiles. By facing oncoming traffic, you may be able to react quicker than if it is behind you.
  • Look both ways before crossing. Be sure the driver of a car acknowledges your right-of-way before crossing in front of a vehicle. Obey traffic signals.
  • Carry identification (Road ID bracelets or tags are popular) or write your name, phone number, and blood type on the inside sole of your running shoe. Include any medical information.
  • Always stay alert and aware of what’s going on around you. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are.
  • Stick to side-walks and stay off of roads to the extent possible under the circumstances.
  • Carry a cell phone or change for a phone call. Know the locations of public phones along your regular route.
  • Trust your intuition about a person or an area. React on your intuition and avoid a person or situation if you’re unsure. If something tells you a situation is not “right”, it isn’t.
  • Alter or vary your running route pattern; run in familiar areas if possible. In unfamiliar areas, such as while traveling, contact the local F3 site Q. Know where open businesses or stores are located in case of emergency.
  • Run with a partner.
  • Wear reflective material before dawn or after dark.
  • When using multi-use trails, follow the rules of the road. If you alter your direction, look over your shoulder before crossing the trail to avoid a potential collision with an oncoming cyclist or passing runner.
  • CALL POLICE IMMEDIATELY if something happens to you or someone else, or you notice anyone out of the ordinary. It is important to report incidents immediately

Here is another great resource for group running general and safety tips: guidelines-for-leading-a-group -run

Most of us - me included - wear our dark, ninja workout clothes. Just look out for each other and don’t stick someone out front who has no reflective gear

While we always give a F3 disclaimer at the beginning of each work-out, you are still responsible for yourself and your fellow PAX. We take care of each other, and never leave a man behind.  Please take a moment to go over all of this at COT.  It is important.  Safety is paramount.