Safety Failure

9 Pax gathered in the gloomy Wolverine parking lot and with no FNGs, we are off.

Fellowship jog to school entrance for a basic warm up of

SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and Good Mornings

Thang 1

Split into 2 groups and go in different directions for a different exercise, meet back in the middle for a Mary variation and then flapjack

Merkins, Squats, LBCs and LSFs for round 1

Diamond merkins, jump squats, Freddie Merc and Hammers for round 2

Thang 2

Test run the pickle and partner up

Partner 1 lunge walks clockwise, Partner runs in the opp direction and then flapjack, continuing until the pickle has been lunge walked

Thang 3

Mosey until I find a place for the Pain Train, but stop along the way for some derkins and a pickle lap

Settle on Pain Train location, explain it and we are off for

5 HRM, 10 squats, 15 monkey humpers, 20 LBCs and 25 SSHs

Time to get back to the flag, but take a break along the way for 25 Wide Grip Merkins to allow a jogger to get ahead


Since core work was scattered throughout the workout, we finish with Ring of Fire merkins to 100 total


Freed to Bleed is done. Several pax participated and praised the work of all involved. Water Wings noted that F3 Raleigh’s effort paled in comparison to Carpex sponsored event, according to one of the Red Cross workers. 

Saban 40-saban bday Q tomorrow at FMJ.

Prodigal has the Wolverine Q next week


Looms daughter having a tough time


Arrived 20 mins early planning to scope out the school area a long a mile or so as a mini EC. Ma Bell in the house so we ran together. Unlike my flattish route, this was a hilly (and fast run). Thanks for the push

Coffeteria was sponsored by Build a Bear. Gracias!

Speaking of Coffeteria, attendance was great and The Commish was a welcome Starsky. All was good until the Measure Twice boys showed up and then it all fell apart.

Think the delivery of the beatdown was fairly solid, but total safety failure as I let the Pax scatter crossing the street across from the AO with cars coming out of nowhere in both directions. Thankfully all Pax arriveWill do better next time.  

Always and an honor to lead.

See also