This also happened today in CarPex

So, a new AO - Bounty Hunters - debuted today somewhere north of Atlanta. I heard it’s about a 4-hour drive, so I was pretty shocked to see that 32 PAX made it all the way down there for the christening. Good on ya.

Meanwhile, in downtown Cary, 12 PAX milled around the normal starting spot wondering where on earth the B.O. shovelflag was. Oh, the other site Q has it. Say no more.

Thanks to Smokey for being my official timekeeper this morning. I couldn’t have done it without him.


Jog to the Sea of Booty, circle up for Good mornings, SFAC forward and reverse, overhead claps, Imperial Walkers. Jog to the parking deck, which was swarming with police this morning.


While on the plane last night, I decided to plan this workout. It wasn’t until this morning that I realized that I had already done this same exact workout maybe 3 or 4 months ago. Is this what getting old feels like? Not a fan.


Run up each level of the parking deck, stopping six times to perform six reps of an exercise.

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CDDs
  • Burpees

With time getting short (as it did the first time I did this workout), YHC called an audible that would allow us to finish the beast while also steadily making our way back to the shovelfl…err…parking lot.

  • Star Jumps at each light post
  • Jump Lunges at each light post

After the Star Jumps, but before the Jump Lunges, some crazy person trotted up to us saying “There you are!” The spy from South Charlotte joined us for the last five minutes of the beatdown. Very glad he found us though and hope he makes it back again soon! Maybe we can get the COMZ Q’s to fix the Google pin on the B.O. map on the site. It’s quite inaccurate. Woulda been nice to have a shovelflag this AM so the visitor would have known where the PAX started from. But whatevs.

Lastly, I cooked up a new thing that I think I might start making standard for my future Q’s. YHC had all the PAX line up from slowest to fastest. The slowest guy starts sprinting toward a marked destination chosen by the Q. The next guy in line waits until the guy in front of him gets to a certain point, maybe 25 yards away, then he starts chasing. This cycle repeats until everyone has sprinted. The challenge was put forth to each man to catch the guy in front of him, even though that guy had a 25-yard head start. I haven’t come up with a name yet, but you’ll be seeing a lot more of it.


Dealer’s Choice:

  • Term Paper: Homer-to-Marge
  • Containment: Freddy Mercury
  • Disco Duck: Dying Cockroach
  • Smokey: American Hammer


Count-o-rama: 13 PAX.

Name-o-rama: Still 13. 3 RESPECTS, 1 hate, 9 meh

Announcements: Convergence at Bond Park on May 6 with Churham. Starts at 7AM. Later that day, CARPEx Family Picnic - 2:30 at the Buehler Shelter (By the boathouse). Bring the family.

Prayer Requests: None, but we still prayed for the PAX.

BOM - YHC took us out.


  • What a nice morning. And what a great turnout across the Carpex region. 45 total PAX taking the #DRP on one day? That’s beautiful.
  • Transporter came to us this morning from Union County country south of Charlotte. Naturally, we joked about him being sent from the mothership, but he laughed and said they shut that whole thing down - he was talking about a former AO, I think. We gently explained the running joke we have about anyone from Charlotte being “a spy” sent to make sure the folks in Raleigh are doing it correctly.
  • He laughed it off like he didn’t know what we were talking about. But then, he outed himself. He mentioned that while he was running around for 40 minutes trying to find us, he saw a group of 3 men and 2 women running around and he was worried it was us and that we invited women to join our F3 group. When I saw how worried he was, I knew he was a spy. I’m so incredibly happy he found us, else he likely would have reported us back to the mothership with faulty information!
  • Spys gunna spy. You can’t trick us, spy. We know your kind.
  • Spy, please don’t take anything I write here seriously. If you post in the future, you’ll start to figure out who is crazy and who isn’t.
  • Spy, please also know that I use the term “spy” as a term of endearment. I wanted to be a spy when I was a young tyke growing up.
  • Then I realized I was fat and kind of stupid and I didn’t think the government would hire me.
  • Shows how much I know!!
  • … … ….
  • Let’s move along.
  • Quickly.
  • Smokey - now that dude knows how to call cadence! He called the hell outta that cadence!! It was breathtaking, honestly.
  • Smokey also made me laugh a couple times this morning. As my official timekeeper, he also remembered the last time I did this workout - specifically the part where we were 0.7 miles away from the cars and it was 6:28.
  • “AYG to the parking lot” - Me, three months ago.
  • Oops.
  • Anyway, he made absolutely sure that I knew exactly what time it was at the end of each round of the Beast. He got more forceful the later it got, too. I had to chuckle.
  • For the new Billy Run-like sprint at the end, here are the names I have so far:
    • The Billy Chase
    • The Carrot Run
    • The Pacer
    • The Blitz
    • The PAX Pursuit
    • The Human Sacrifice
  • Ok, so that last one needs some explaning. I actually thought about this during our last F3Insomnia run. Basically, what happened was that Largemouth and Old Maid and Michelob and Katniss and Pet Sounds and Shut In all left me in the dust on a down hill about 2 miles into the run, and all I could think about was the fact that if the seven of us were being chased by a super hungry lion, I absolutely would be the one to get mauled and eaten. In essence, I would be the human sacrifice - the one to die so that his brothers could live - but also the slowest guy. SO, the name for the exercise stems from the idea that you are running like a mad man so you don’t end up being the human sacrifice. You gotta try to catch the guy in front of you so that he perishes instead of you, get it?
  • I know what you’re thinking. And no, I don’t think that’s selfish! I’m 30! I’ve got a lot of life to live. Some of you 80-year-olds have had a good life. It’s time to take one for the team, okay?
  • You know what? I’ve made a decision. We’re going with Sacrifice Sprint. Deal with it.
  • This was the first time I’ve Q’d in a couple weeks. It feels good to lead! Thanks for letting me do it!
  • I took a step back with the new job and all, but things are starting to settle down, so I’ll be able to Q more regularly. And since we have 68 AOs now (approximately), there should be plenty of opportunity to get on a Q sheet sometime soon.
  • See you in the gloom!


See also