Ryder-versary Volume 2

Is the sequel better than the original? Well I can’t judge that. Dante’s Peak is the 2nd place I ever posted, so it’s a traditional stop on the anniversary tour. True story - YHC was EH’d by CHiPs from South Wake. I posted at Tortoises first time, and didn’t tell him I was going. Just texted afterwards, and told him I was going to go to DP if I survived the first time. So CHiPs met me at DP, I didn’t die, and that was 5 years ago.

The Workout - Warm Up

Give a full disclaimer since we have an FNG. Great thing is, for both my anniversary Qs this week I had an FNG. Mosey around the park, taking the long way to the basketball court. Circle up and do a standard Red Ryder warm up. I have Big Red lead us in good mornings, and we do 5 burpees because Cataracts was a little late.

Thang 1

Mosey the rest of the way around the park, to the back parking lot. Do LBCs until the 6 catches up. Then continue mosey to the shelter. Partner up - partner 1 does BTTW, while partner 2 does step ups, then merkins, then Bolton to Marge.

Thang 2

Mosey to the rock pile. Partner 1 does sets of rock curls, overhead presses, tricep extensions, and squats. Partner 2 runs the pond loop and does 10 pullups. We do 3 rounds, then head back to the flag via Bear Crawl Bridge


Low Slow Flutters


We welcome our FNG Farmer Ted (Hate). Thanks to Queequeg for bringing HIM out.


  • Huge crowd, really appreciate all the guys showing up
  • This includes Bolton, who rose to the challenge
  • Mumblechatter was on point, and loved it
  • Never make eye contact with other PAX during a round of Bolton to Marge
  • If you don’t get the Farmer Ted reference, re-watch 16 Candles
  • Appreciate all the support over the past 5 years, it’s been a great ride

See also