Rushing 44 Minutes

First post to Rush Hour and YHC has the Q.  Familiar site and area of operation.  However, I did not anticipate the traffic - what a difference there is between 0545 and 1745.  And at this time of year, it is still gloomy so felt right at home.

What to my wondering eye should appear, it is Riptide, and he is running in!?!?.  Seems odd, Rip is not really the EC/Insomnia/Running type, but hey - people change……………..NOPE, train stopped on track so Riptide double parking in a handicap spot, abandoned ship and ran on in.  YHC likes the effort.  Angry Elf just waited for the train and was only 1 minute late.

With a busy plan and now one less minute - time to get moving.

Warm-up: Jog to Fidelity for 20 SSH, 10 GA, 20 Plank jacks, 10 IW, 20 Mtn climbers, 20 merkins.

Thang: Run to the down Academy to the big fountain, stopping at each light pole for 3 burpees. To the fountain and partner-up. - P1 bearcrawl 1/2 way around the fountain and run second half, P2 AMRAP dips, flapjack.  X3 - P1 broad jump 1/2 way around the fountain and run second half, P2 AMRAP dips, flapjack.  X3 Run back down Academy to Chatham, stopping at each light pole for 3 hand release merkins.

Indian run to the parking deck, bottom level in the middle.

In your partners, run opposite directions, up one level, meet back in the middle for 10 partner merkins.  Repeato to the top, and then back down.

To the east stairwell. P1 to the top and back while P2 BTTW, flapjack.  Then P1 to the top and back while P2 peoples chair, flapjack.

Fellowship run back to the flag.

Mary: 20 Homer to Marge, IC

COT: Count-o-rama, name-o-rama. Announcements,  Convergence at A-Team 1/1/18 0700.  Disco Duck and Parker are your Qs. Prayers - Angry Elf and the passing of his grandma. YHC took us out.

NMS: - YHC really enjoyed Rush Hour.  Evening time frame rarely works for me but glad it did. - I learned what a weasel chaser is.  Weasel chaser = PAX who will actively chase/run down a sad clown to recruit him to join the PAX.  Weasel chasers leave the PAX mid workout if necessary to accomplish their mission.  Essentially sad clown hunting while posting at the AO. - Rush hour would be a prime weasel chasing AO with the Bond Bros running group and Gladiator group. - YHC struggled to say good evening instead of good morning to passer-bys.  Maybe I just need more practice. - Riptide was actually parked between 2 Handicap spaces, you know in the area where they exit the vehicle.  However, it was noted that these handicap spaces were easily 100 yards and across a train track from the closest building.  Not sure the logic there, but we guessed it met some illogical building permit requirement - so there you have it. - All PAX sans Rip and Kyrie, joined Hermes at BB for post workout refreshments.

See also