Running w the Bells

  • When: 04/1/2019
  • QIC: Pet Sounds
  • The PAX: Theismann, Sour Mash, Leprechaun, Ashbury, Hottie Tottie,Meatloaf, Intimidator, Billy, Pickles, Romney, Triple Lindy, Kenny, Earhardt, Monkey Nut, The Joker, Justice and Pet Sounds

Warm up - run to the circle, Karaoke along the way.  Circle up, SSH, Hill-Billy, Merkins, Stretch(s), Pete Paker, recover, head to the flag to pick up our late arrival.  10 Bonus Burpees + 5 more for good measure

Thang 1 - Dora 1,2,3

Partner Up

P1 Run to circle and back (told y’ll you would run the night before)

P2 100 Press, 200 Lat Pull + Press, 300 Squats

Yeah, we ran some…

Thang 2 - more work

Same Partner Group

P1 L/R step up

P2 30x Curls, 25x bent row (ea side), maybe something else…

Little run to the bridge for good measure, Bear Crawl across, squat hold, Bear Crawl and run back to the flag


50IC LBC, 20IC Shakira, 20IC leg hold Feddy Merc, 10OYO Catalina Whine Makers


April 4/5th 24 hours of prayer

Prayer Requests

Theisman’s M traveling back

Sour Mash life decisions with M (sounded good but ask for sure??)

Naked Moleskin

Thank you all for being the influence I need,  No Idea where I would be without you all.

See also