Running vanilla

This was YHC’s 1st ever post at FMJ, though he’d been onsite for many workouts. YHC figured he stick with what he knows. Strap on those running shoes, here we go.

Run towards the track, stopping on the way for a whole lot of mumblechatter and
10 SSH (IC)
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
10 Good Mornings (IC)
10 Hackeysacks (IC)
10 Cossak Stretch (a.k.a Hey Hey Willy) (IC)
10 Calf Stretch 5L, 5R (IC)
10 King David Kick (IC)
10 Butt Kickers (IC)

Proceed to the track
2 laps Mosey
3x (100m AYG, 300m mosey )
Stretch a little bit
3x (200m AYG, 200m mosey )
Stretch a little bit
3x (300m AYG, 100m mosey )
Stretch a little bit
400m Mosey
400m AYG
Mosey back to the flag
1 Merkin

NMS: It was great to be out there with all you “High Tempo” guys. Now, if only this workout started at 5:45…

See also