Running at Rush Hour?!

Arriving a bit early to recon my plan, and mozy a lap or two for my warmup, I confirm the overall idea I’ve had for a few weeks. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. I was wrong. ;). 7 HIM arrived, the disclaimer was said, and the pledge was recited. 
Off we go on a mozy to lawn by deck

For warmups 

  • Good evenings
  • SSH
  • Sir fazoios 
  • Over head Claps
  • Seal claps 
  • Calf stretch
  • Runners stretch

Short mozy to bottom of parking deck for 

Thang 1:  7’s - using the stairs

  • Bottom: Squats
  • Top: Plank jacks
    • Once done we did a 10 count down the pax line while in peoples chair 

Thang 2: Bear Crawl & Lunges on top deck switching at each light 

  • Mozy back to starting corner.
  • Repeato - swapping crab walk for bear crawl. 

Mozy from top deck to bottom and over to the flag for  

Thang 3: Dora 

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 dips
  • 300 lbcs

with plenty time left, audible called for a

Thang 4: indigenous peoples run around Town of Cary offices

Back to flag for Mary

  • Homer to Marge
  • Boat / Canoe 
  • American Hammers 

**VHS took us out in prayer.

See also