5k for Hares this AM

The rain stopped, the temperature stayed warm-ish, and the wind died down for 6 pax to run some 11s, Hills, and a tour of downtown Apex.

3 for EC (2 for ECP and 1 for EC) - YHC, Hanson, and Yogi

0530 - Yogi gave a disclaimer schooled us on the mission and 5 core principles of F3

The mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

F3 Workouts…

  • are free of charge
  • are open to all men
  • are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust


Made our way over to the pool in down Apex and circled up in the parking lot.

Continued on to Thales and circled up:15 SSH, IC

  • Good Morning - IC
  • Runner’s Stretch
  • Merkins - OMD
  • SSH - IC
  • Imperial Walker - IC
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles - IC
  • Reverse Sir Fazio Arm Circles - IC

Thang 1 - 11s and Hills and Quick Feet

  • Ran over to the back parking lot of the Apex Baptist Church and complete a grueling 11s of Burpees at the bottom and Squat Jumps at the top of the lot.
  • To make sure our legs stayed fresh we did a 25 count quick feet and then off to the next Thang

Thang 2 - Grab your Partner - Round and Round

  • Partner 1 - Run the Pickle
  • Partner 2 - Mountain Climbers (2:1)
  • Sub out and Partner 1 does Mountain Climbers and #2 Ran the Pickle - 100 Mountain Climbers Total
  • One more Dora - Partner 1 ran the Pickle and Partner 2 did jump lunges - Sub out and do one quick round.
  • Watch says 0508 - reminds myself this AO ends at 0515 and not 0530.

Thang 3

  • Run back the way we came so Honeycomb can get his jacket and we make it back to the COT at 0515
  • 3.1 Miles Total this morning - thanks for a good workout and pushing me in my second Q.


Mule - March 9th - Sign Up - Raleigh F3 Twitter has the Details



Parker’s coworker, coworker’s m, and coworker’s 2.0s - to bring healing and stability in the situation that is happening.

F3 Pax - Revere and his family - battling some chronic illness and we are definitely missing him in the gloom.

YHC took us out.

See also