
YHC and Crimson haven’t be able to go to the same workouts very often since YHC has been running more and Crimson was recovering from some knee trouble. So, out of that, the theme for this morning was born. Some of us would run and some would walk. Turns out Smokey called an IR so that fit even better. Here is how it went down!

5:30 - no site Qs thus no flag so a quick disclaimer and we were off. Mosey over to the parking lot in front of the baseball field for warm up.

Warm up:

  • SSH
  • Good Mornings
  • Windmill
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Merkins

Thing 1a: The running

YHC realized that the Apex crew was unfamiliar with the Cooper unlike the NW Cary PAX. So, it was time to do the Cooper, but a bit modified with burpees, squats, and LBCs (instead of Merkins) starting at 10 and run a lap then 9 run a lap all the way down. However, a slight miscalculation that the lap were a half miles each instead of a quarter mile so modified again to 10, 9, 8, 6, 4, and 2. Total milage was approximately 3.5 miles.

Thing 1b: The walking

Mosey over to the soccer field for 4 corners. Exercises were called at each corner and a brisk walk between. Total milage was approximately 1.2 miles.

Runners met up with the walkers for Mary


  • Homer to marge
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Low slow flutter
  • Supermans
  • 100’s
  • LBCs (thanks Crimson)
  • American Hammers (thanks Frisco)


Praises: Yahoo’s coworker getting a kidney transplant, Two Factor’s new job, Old Maid’s 2.0 finger is starting to recover (still a long road ahead).

Prayers: Two Factor’s friend with lung transplant, Bad Company’s nephew


  • Always fun to lead such a great group!
  • It was a bit moist this morning, summer will be here before we know it.
  • Shout out to Crimson for helping Q the walking portion of the workout.
  • Be the good in your circle, help others when you can, and try to enjoy the little things in life.

See also