Run. Reflect. Get after it. Run some more.

With YHC prepping for a weekend away, and a late open Q at DZ (given some shifting Q’s), I jumped at the chance to Q at Northern Cary’s premiere AO on a Friday. Oh, what’s that Pet Sounds, you want to co-Q? Cool. Oh wait, it’s 0544… no Pet… nevermind.

Never-the-less, 12 patriots showed up and these boys were looking fast AF in their red shirts. With that, we’re off and headed towards the Veteran’s Memorial (about 1 mile away).

We stopped along the way for stuff (who the heck really knows) like merkins, walkers, squats, dips, SSHs, ya  know the usual pearls on a string kinda of good times.

Once to the memorial, before the Thang starts the men take a knee at the fallen soldier statute and YHC reads:


Prayer for Those Who Have Fallen in Battle

All Powerful God, We honor today those men and women— Our sons and daughters, Husbands and wives, Fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers— Who have laid down their life for their country.

Whether weary or emboldened, quiet or defiant, Vulnerable or ready when You called them home, Their sacrifice is too humbling for words except these uttered in prayer.

Loving Lord, bless them forever in Your eternal peace. Let the sounds of strife, the cries of battle, the wounds of war be calmed for all eternity in Your loving and endless grace. Let these great warriors find rest at last, Ever reminded that we who are left behind Cherish their spirit, honor their commitment, send them our love, and will never forget the service that they gave.


With grateful hearts we’re ready to put in more work. Circle up around the memorial for L/R, Merkins, Squats on the 10, 9, 8…1 count. A quick power huddle to thank the men for remembering our fallen Heroes and we’re back out and running home. More stops along the way, a pitiful attempt to EH a walker, and then a stop at the trail. Elf, “we have time to trail it home.”

Aye. Run the trail, bear crawl the big bridge and get back to the flag in time for Freddy Mercs, Bonnie’s Torture, and a round of have a nice day.

COT: 12 strong

Announcements: Memorial Day converge at TBP 0700, Veteran led

Prayers: YHC took us out

NMS: Thank you, men, for pushing hard today and joining me in kicking off this Memorial Day weekend by remembering the real reasons, those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

See also