Run Out of Ideas? Just call Merkins


Disco Duck put out the challenge on Thursday. “Who’s man enough to Q The Green Mile?” Well hell, being RESPECT Week and all, I can’t ignore something like that. So sign up I did. With the Nation converging in Pinehurst, I started crootin’. Got a couple of nibbles on Slack and lo and behold, 9 of us showed up for Carpex’ premier 90 minute AO on a Saturday morning (notwithstanding Whiplash which is not actually in Carpex - unless Shutty has declared Imminent Domain on that bitch.) Anyway, it’s 3 min til and there’s no shovel flag. Denali to the rescue with the Kryptonite flag which he promptly planted - like a girl - and it fell over. After replanting it - like a man - we did 10 burpees as punishment.


Plank allegiance to the newly planted flag, then run through the parking lot maze to the school and back to the bottom of the correct entrance and circle up for GMs, Abe Vigodas, Steve Earls, and Standard Merkins IC

The Thang

Backwards run up the proper entrance to Roberts Road, gather up, and Indian Run over to Green Level Church and up to the greenway and circle back around and under the road to the rock pile. We did full curls, bottom half curls, upper half curls, around the worlds (both ways) before carrying our rocks on down the greenway and across the bridge to the far end. 14s (by 2) at either end of the bridge - thrusters at the rock end and Merkins at the other. Overhead rock press when done. When the six was in, lunge walk with the rock overhead until YHC got bored with that, and run back to the rock pile. 25 KB swings before depositing the rocks back in place. Back under the road and across the swamp bridge to the intersection with the spur trail for Doras. Partner up - 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats while your partner runs the spur trail and back. Longer than I thought so second round, run to the first curve in the swamp bridge and back. When done, back up the greenway to the back entrance to the school, stopping along the way for a Derkin pyramid on the 3-level fence. Up the back entrance, stopping at each light pole for ascending number of star jumps. Over to the hill above the drainage pond for incline sit-ups. Partner up and flapjack for sets of 25 and 15. Denali and Theismann decided to hang themselves instead. Up to the bus parking lot for a bus weave to the top of the lot. Over to the stairs for sets of stair hops. At this point, I’m just making shit up. Over to the field house for some duck-and-weaves on the railings before heading to the far end of the soccer field. Line up on the sideline, run across to the other side for 5 merkins then back across for 10 merkins. Repeato with jump squats. Back over to the railings for more duck-and-weave before running back to the shovel flag, where we found it on the ground again. Only this time, it was because the stiff wind had broken it. Poor shovel flag. I volunteered Goose to build another one. He just doesn’t know it.


A quick round of low slow flutters, Rosalitas, and Pamela Anderson’s before some stretching to finish us out.


We counted to 9 and name-0-rama’d. There were 7 mehs and 2 RESPECTs. YHC was war daddy. We announced the Christmas Party and ASP wreath sale. We prayed for Quiver and his daughter and Half’s M. We thanked Theismann for his service on Veterans Week. YHC took us out in prayer.


  • Denali accused me of being unoriginal when I called Merkins and Merkins. It is true, I was pretty much just trying to kill the last 10 minutes. I hope the rest of the Q made up for it.
  • There was talk about Pamela Anderson’s squirrel
  • Denali was asking 20 questions about Steve Earle during warm-ups. Google him bro.
  • As always for me, it was an honor to be in the presence of such beasts and HIMs. Thanks for coming out.

See also