Rude Awakening

I was awoken by the 2.1 at 4:38am and after a quick diaper change I decided to look up who had the Q of Dante’s Peak this morning.  Boy was I surprised to see that YHC had signed up (likely during another sleepless night).  Time to rise to the occasion and make somebody sweat.  27 pax arrived for an early morning tour of Apex nature park.


Hold that thought as 5, yes 5 pax arrived late. 10 penalty burpees (2 per late member) OYO

Let’s try this again Warmup

GM IC x 10 SSH IC x 20 IW IC x 15 Merkins x 20 Mountain Climbers IC x 15 Plank Hold (R arm, L arm, 6" hold)

The Thang

-Sprint up the hill to the corner of Evans and Apex BBQ for 15 hand release merkins, plank hold when done and wait for the 6 -Sprint to 2nd light pole for 15 squat jumps, squat hold and wait for the 6 -Sprint to park entrance for 15 LBC’s IC, plank hold and wait for the 6

Partner up and mosey to the basketball court -P1: Balls to the wall   P2:  Runs suicides Flapjack -P1: People’s chair   P2:  Bear crawl court and sprint back Flapjack -P1: Australian Mountain Climbers  P2: Runs suicides Flapjack -P1: People’s chair  P2: Backwards run down, regular back

Indian run to the upper parking lot roundabout

-P1: Lunge walk to first light pole  P2: Diamond merkins AMRAP Flapjack -P1: Backwards run to 2nd light pole   P2: CDD’s AMRAP Flapjack -P1: Sprint to 3rd light pole   P2: WW2 Sit-ups AMRAP

Mosey back to the flag with a quick stop at the pond for 25 little baby jumping jacks IC

Mary -American Hammers x 25 IC -Freddie Mercury x 25 IC -Low slow flutter x 15 IC

COT -Count-o-rama: 27 -Name-o-rama: Welcome FNG Blitz -Announcements:  FIA, 9/11 Stair Climb, Carpex Lake Weekend, F3 Dads -Prayers/Praises: Swag’s brother

**NMS -**Alas just did not fit the FNG.  Being a former college linebacker, Blitz seemed to be a better fit -Everyone knows the nantan loves a merkin, but YHC believes he overheard what MaBell hates -I’ll give you a hint….its the bear crawl -It’s rather poor form to arrive 15mins late for work during your first month of a new job, but YHC did just that this morning -Thankfully there are no penalty burpees at work

See also