

  • 2 courageous men joined YHC at Rolling Stone post-ECPYP@GT for almost 2 miles of Ruck-and-Roll.

The Warmup

  • No warm-up. Just roll.

The Thang

  • Ruck around the soccer field, exit the school property by the trailers, continue at ~14 min/mile pace to the Preston Circle
  • On one side of the circle, perform: 10 OH Presses (with your ruck), 20 St. ‘Mericans (with your ruck on), 30 LBCs (with your ruck on your chest), 40 squats (with your ruck on).
  • Roll half way around the circle, repeat the above sequence. Rinse, repeat a total of 6 stops.
  • Double-time back to the flag.


See also