Rubberband Man - Just what a body needs

Date: 7/25/19

PAX: Betsy Ross, Bogo, Callahan, The Commish, Green Bow, Hotspot, How How, Sosa, Torpedo, Willy Wonka, WWW

These are the things we did:

Hamstring stretch

Wide feet hamstring stretch (l/r)

Child’s pose

Downward Dog

Wide feet downward dog

Dive Bombers

Wide leg forward fold

Chest expansion

Runners stretch

Runner’s stretch drop knee

Bootie drop (runners stretch and drop bootie to opposite side of forward leg)

Calf stretch

Alternating calf stretch

Shoulder stretch

Tricep stretch

Michael Phelps

We did all that listening to the rustling fountain water and calming yoga music - glorious!!!

Mosey / walk back to flag for Mary and COT. We did do Eskimo Merkins up to 12 count.

See also