Royals, Marriage, Treason, Beheading and car crime...just a regular workout at FLYING CIRCUS

9 of Carpex’s elite graced the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning, eager to continue their pursuit of excellence and learn a bit too (or taboot).

Warm Up:  After a short mosey to the middle school main entrance, we circled up for:

  • 15 Good Mornings
  • 33 SSH’s
  • 15 Cotton Pickers
  • 36 Mountain Climbers
  • 15 Standard Merkins
  • 33 Plankjacks

Since we were at the main entrance by the pedestrian crossing, YHC indulged himself by pulling out the signature move – the Abbey Road lunge walk (there and back) before a short mosey across to the soccer pitches.

The Thangs

Death Star - Using the center circle and the conveniently located 4 corners of the soccer pitch:

  • Center: Hand-release Merkins x 8 each time we hit the center
  • Corner 1: Extra Value x 15 (this was a brand new exercise soon to enter the lexicon ~ see NMS)
  • Corner 2: Nippler x 15
  • Corner 3: Ranger Merkins x 15
  • Corner 4: You Choose x15. Suitably chastened from Corner 1 and YHC’s creative efforts, rather than create a new exercise for “Y”, YHC asked the PAX to choose. Predictably Ma Bell went for Merkins, as we’d only done like a hundred or so already.

Next to the fence and splitting into 1’s & 2’s for some more fun. 1’s BTTW, 2’s run half the width of the pitch, do 8xmerkins and run back. Flapjack. Repeato.

Mosey on over to the flight of stairs leading upto the third floor classrooms. Having remembered your numbers (yes, Kilmer, you were a 2)…1’s run up the stairs and do 33 merkins on the top floor and run back down, meanwhile 2’s mosey around the small track encircling the grassed soccer pitch. Flapjack.

Repeato – only this time 1’s do 15 merkins and the top & 2’s run ~ 70% full pace. Flapjack

Repeato – only this time 1’s do 8 merkins and the top & 2’s run ~ 90% full pace. Flapjack

Following a meandering mosey, with a brief respite for 8 kerb-Erkins and 8x kerb-derkins, we found ourselves at the top of the 4-lane-stairs down to the track. Lanes 1 & 3 for descending with Lanes 2 & 4 for ascending with 3 up/downs as follows:

  • Left Leg Hop ascent
  • Right Leg Hop ascent
  • Regular ascent

8 count from Nature Boy whilst we all sucked air, then a mosey round to the basketball court to circle up for Mary:

  • 33 x Box Cutters
  • Six inch leg hold for a 5 count round the circle
  • 33 seconds of HAVE A NICE DAY.

And done.


  • The grand reveal – many questions around todays workout about the strange choices of number of reps we did.
  • Some great guesses, including Franklins guess about the Queen’s birthday, Biners attempt to tie in a wartime reference in 1933, but the winner was Riptide with the closest guess with a Henry VIII reference.
  • The actual answer was that on this day in 1533, Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn (his second of six wives).
  • Marriage didn’t end well for poor Anne, as in 1536 she was taken to the Tower of London and beheaded for treason.
  • Announcements – Krispy Kreme challenge & more – check F3Carpex for definitive details.
  • Prayers – Texas and Kentucky tragedies; praises for Assisi and his daughters enrolment in school; all unsaid prayers and praises.


  • Riptide’s retelling of his recent brush with crime very nearly derailed the whole workout (and very nearly lasted for the whole workout). PAX were complaining that YHC’s Q instructions were preventing them from hearing Riptide’s story.
  • “why does my face hurt” said Kilmer - not sure if it was the cold, laughing too much, or the exertion, but
  • Note – “Extra Value” is what’s known as a “Cluster-exercise” which is what happens when a Q goes off-piste and begins creating new exercises. This combination exercise was well beyond the coordination levels of the PAX and certainly too sophisticated for YHC to cadence count through. Suffice to say, this will not be appearing in an Exicon near you any time soon.

Privilege to lead you HIM’s, thank you.

See also