Round Robin at #ao-mon-hellsbells

Date: 8/16/2021

PAX: Wahoo, Reentry, Bronx Bomber, Clockwork, Three Finger Salute, Dr. Suess, Hey There, Theismann, Side-Out, Left Cheek, Bolton, Tramp Stamp, Roasters, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, WWW

Signed up to help out Wahoo when he posted on 1stF asking for a Q. I took the opportunity to lead.

Met up with the HIMs in the gloom and they were fired up to go. Went through all the F3 administravia (Mission, Core Values, Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory.

After the Pledge, I had the HIMs follow Wahoo for a mosey around the BIG pickle while I lead the walkers around the small pickle. We all met by the basketball court for some warm-up. GM and Bat Wings. No wasting time so we got on it.

Thang 1: HIMs got their KB of choice and we headed over to the picnic tables for a HIIT routine. 15 was the magic number.

Curls for Gurls x15IC

KB front presses x15IC

Tricep Extensions x15IC

KB Bentover Rows x15IC

Manmakers x15IC

KB Front Flyes x15

Runners mosey around pickle. Walkers walked.

Thang 2: Grab our KBs and headed to the grassy knoll circling up for some Mary KB style

LBC with a press x15

Flutter Kicks x15IC

WWIIs x15

Rocky Balboas without the KBs x15

Boxcutters with KB over face x15IC

Runners mosey around pickle. Walkers walked.

COR: 16

NOR: Solid HIMs

Announcements: Odyssee, BRR, F3 10-Year Anniversary, Carpex Picnic. #ao-vaxxers. School is back in session, watch out for cars stopped for kids. Talk to your teenage drivers on the importance of watching school-age kids crossing the road.

Prayers/Praises: Healing hands for sick family members. Prayers for US to get through COVID-19 Delta variant.


It is always a pleasure and an honor to Q my Brothers.

I almost made myself merlot. I was exhausted when all was done.

We enjoyed coffee and 2ndF after the beatdown by way of Wahoo. Thanks Wahoo! The cold brew was delicious!

See also