Round and Round

A Baker’s Dozen, including one FNG, converged on Hunter Street Park, unaware of what YHC had in store for the Thursday edition of Ryder-versary week.  They were soon to find out.

Warm Up

Pledge allegiance with an even dozen, then mosey to the parking lot for more stuff.  Circle up, and after SSHs, Cotton pickers and the first half of Sir Fazio, Khakis joins in the fun.  We complete Sir Fazio, then knock out 10 burpees OYO.  Hill Billies, Plank Jacks and Merkins on my down AND my up finish us out.

Thang 1

Parter up, size does not matter.  Catch me if you can around the big loop, with our first exercise being 10 Monkey Humpers.  The trick is, you need to complete 5 Bropees on each change over.  After lap 1, we meet back at the starting position.  Lap 2, we now switch over to 10 Star Jumps.  Lap 3, we change partners and now complete 10 CDDs.

Thang 2

Burpee 11s - if you’ve never done this, 10 Merkins followed by 1 Squat Jump, then 9 and 2…

Fellowship run pace lap back to the skate park for…


American Hammers, Scorpion DDs and LBCs followed by Have a Nice Day.


  • 1 Respect, 12 Mehs
  • Announcements - Carpex Anniversary convergence at DZ on August 31.  9/11 Stair climb.
  • Praises/prayer requests - Parker’s dad and family as they deal with illness and moving him.  McCant’s continued recovery.  Lee Adkins cancer battle and Robbie Helbert’s recovery from double lung transplant.

YHC took us out.


  • Beanie is an accountant.  He gave us a lot of material to work with, but in the end we decided to shorten Bean Counter.  Welcome brother, and we look forward to seeing you again.
  • Strong mumblechatter among the PAX this morning.  Well done, that makes it more fun. I’m sending Water Wings a new pair of Jordans.
  • Giving credit to Disco Duck for the creation of Burpee 11s.  I like it more each time.
  • Pro tip - don’t partner up with Parker and GTL when doing Catch Me if you Can.
  • As always, a pleasure to lead this fine group.  Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also