Rotate. Rotate. Rotate. Rotate.

- EC Pullups: Theisman, Red Ryder, Joe Smith, Parker, Bluewater - EC Run (that’s right I said EC run): Michelob, Wonderbread, GTL, Hi-Liter, Snots, Chanticleer, Largemouth,     Denali & YHC

I’ve done a variation of this workout once before at SWW but I thought it would be perfect for Tortoises so I dusted it off, loaded up the Pontiac P.O.S with some fun toys to play with and the rest is soon to be Carpex History.

Warm Up In amazingly executed cadence, despite the high volume of mumble chatter we perform the following: Good Morning,  Windmill, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Moroccan Nightclub, Steve Earle

The Thang With everyone standing around the circle I called out exercises to be completed AMRAP for 1 minute, except for those with toys to play with. They did 1 minute of the following:

– Agility Ladder – Quick Feet back and forth – 40lb sand bag w/ handles – Clean & Jerk – Jump Rope – 30lb sand bag w/o handles – Squat, press and slam - Battle Rope

The rest of the PAX did: Bobby Hurley, Merkins, SSH, 6″ hold Peter Parkers, LBCs, Burpees, Plank Jack, Goofball, Dying Cockroach, Mountain Climber, Run in Place w/ high knees & butt kickers, Plank Hold, Star Jumps, Crab Cakes, Diamond Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Wide Arm Merkin, Freddy Mercury, and a few others I can’t remember. After each exercise we rotated clock-wise.

I often forgot to say “Recover” and Starting position, move" but luckily Red Ryder was there to “help.”

Mary Boat / Canoe; 100s; Have A Nice Day

COT Prayers for some brothers with job interviews. Prayers for Ascot & Chanticleer’s Ms getting ready for their new arrivals.

NMS - My phone died just as I started to record Name-o-rama, so I apologize if I left your name off accidentally. - Welcome Tortoises FNG Denali. - Michelob led an EC Run that covered 1/3 of the Odyssey course. - Bidness was done!

YHC took us out with a quote from Explorer, Poet and Historical Badass Sir Richard Francis Burton

Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause; He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws.


See also