Rolling Stone turned into a bootcamp Ruck

Beautiful Friday morning for a Ruck. I was looking forward to leading today’s Ruck and building in more exercises into the walk. I think we accomplished since I feeling it this morning. Thanks fellas for allowing me to lead you…

Warm up

  • Good mornings - 6
  • Windmill (not turbines) - 6
  • Seal clap - 10
  • Fazio arm circles (forward) - 10
  • Fazio arm circles (backward) - 10
  • Merkins - 10
  • Recover, we then walked to the hill…

Thang 1 - A seven

  • Double time uphill - do merkins
  • Double time downhill - do squats
  • Recover, we then walked back to the parking lot…

Thang 2 - A five

  • Rucks off and hold overhead
  • Walk to pickle - do curls
  • Walk back to other pickle - do WWII
  • Recover, Rucks back on, we then walked back to circle…

Thang 3 - Plank shuffle merkin

  • Plank position on parking space line
  • Side shuffle in plank position to next parking line - do 1 merkin
  • Shuffle to next parking line - 2 merkins
  • Repeato until 5 merkins are completed
  • Recover, we then walked to the pavilion…

Thang 4 - Dips, Urkins, StepUps

  • Dips - 10
  • Urkins - 10
  • SetUps - 10
  • Repeato with 5 count
  • Recover, we then walked to playground…

Thang 5 - Dead arm hang

  • If it weren’t enough, we ended with a minute long dead arm hang


  • Rucks off
  • Hello Dolly - 10
  • WWII - 10
  • Box Cutter - 10
  • Superman hold - 1 min
  • Have a nice day!!

Fellas - we completed all this and still got in 1.9 miles. I enjoyed it!! Hope you did as well!!

Have a great weekend!!

See also