Rolling Stone triple nickel ruck bonanza

DATE: 2/14

PAX: Ezekiel, Largemouth, Skipper, Geek Squad, WWW

Took a ruck mosey to starting point. This was the first but it was great to have Largemouth join us although he did not have a ruck. So, after our warm-up (GM, Sir Fazio, seal claps, and merkins), we went back to my truck to pick-up some coupons so LM did not feel left out.

We headed to the starting point and tucked some for some number of light poles doing the thang.


Triple nickel (5/5/5)

Burpees ruck you’re body, around the world and ruck squats for 3 rounds

Curls, tricep extensions and flyes x3 rounds. There was a twist in between rounds. After the exercises, I had the PAX bear crawl for 25 (l/r = 1) and then lunge walk for 25 (l/r = 1) and ruck to the next point.

We got back in time for Mary with the GT PAX who got done drawing a Strava heart.


Rucking changes the pace a little and it is great to diversify.

It is always a pleasure to Q these rucktastic HIMs. Until next time, make it a great day!

See also