Rolling Stone goes for a stroll...well sort of...

Gentlemen. Was a great morning for a ruck. After the pledge and once the HIMs decided to do 10 burpees OYO, we left…

Warm up

  • Moseyed through the parking lot
  • 10 good mornings
  • 10 cotton pickers
  • 10 squats
  • 10 merkins

Thang 1

  • Moseyed over to the hill
  • Seven
    • Start with 1 monkey humpers
    • Double time up the hill
    • 6 merkins
    • double time down the hill
    • 2, 5 - 3, 4 - etc…

Thang 2

  • Moseyed through neighborhood and path to track in back of school
  • At every turn, we performed a different exercise to 15
    • Curls - presses
    • Triceps - rows
    • Merkins
    • Squats
    • Walking with ruck overhead
    • You get the idea…
  • Just when you thought we were finished, we lunge walked the straightaway before the pavilion.

Thang 3

  • At the pavilion
    • Dips in cadence
    • Urkins

Thang 4

  • 5 squats, double time, 5 squats, mosey, 5 squats, double time, 5 squats - around the pickle

Thang 5

  • To end on a high note - dead arm hang for 60 seconds


  • 15 WWII
  • 15 Flutter kicks
  • 15 Box cutter
  • 30 second 6 inch leg hold
  • Slow 10 count superman hold

Have a nice day!

See also