Rolling Stone @ BO 1/11/18

Bartman and Katniss joined 20 other #HIM getting themselves better at BO this fine morning. While the bootcampers workout toured some of Cary’s finest establishments, the ruckers set out on their own path…

East on Chatham St toward the roundabout. Stop there for 50x flutter kicks IC, rucks overhead.

About face, head back toward Academy. Slight detour to run around Bond Bros 1x with the group.

Head South on Academy to the fountain (still with chunks of ice in the middle!) and knock out another 30x flutter kicks IC.

Head back toward the start point, and at alternating light poles do 10 squats / 10 upright rows.

One more trip around the block on Chatham, and meet the rest of the group for 5 seconds of Mary.

See also