'Roid Rage

YHC has been battling some sort of crud for the past 8 weeks, and finally found relief in the form of …STEROIDS! That’s right all you spindly jabronis, can you smell what the doc is cookin’? This mofo is JACKED UP and ready to work out after a 2 1/2 week hiatus. So buckle up, we’re gonna make like a bunch of gym rats and knock out a whole week’s worth of pump in 35 minutes. After a bunch of friendly chatter, the SNS crew welcomed the Insomniacs back from their madness, and the mass of 30-some-odd PAX split into three groups - 2 Vespers and 1 SNS. Since running seemed to be what all the cool kids were doing, YHC decided to start the SNS journey with a warm-up run.

Once we landed at the ropes course lot, YHC led a brief warmup and laid out the week’s schedule

WARMUP - Good Morning; SSH

MONDAY - legs and back (partner up for combined 100 reps of Death Squats and Chillcut Leg Lifts)

TUESDAY - run, speedwork (Indian run to the rock pile at the community center)

WEDNESDAY - biceps and shoulders (3x20 concentration curls while partner BTTW, extra pump points for one-armed BTTW or inverted shoulder presses)

THURSDAY - tempo run (mosey back to the ropes course lot pavilion)

FRIDAY - chest/triceps (20x Urkins, Dips, Merkins, Dips, Derkins, Dips)

SATURDAY - recovery run (mosey back to the flag); BONUS: yoga (sun salutation, R/L)



  • Count-a-rama: 34
  • Name-a-rama
  • Announcements: Hi-Liter taking orders for RoadID bracelets, watch for info on Slack; Maynard run coming up next Wednesday, 3/7; Raleigh ‘Mule’ coming up 3/10
  • Prayer Requests: Earhart’s M having surgery, will be bed-ridden for 3-4 weeks- prayers for her comfort and recovery and Earhart’s stamina in supporting her and the household (watch for dinner prep offerings); Burt’s BIL John got frustrating results from scan, entering clinical trial- prayers for strength and success in this next step; Flacco’s mom having biopsy 3/8 from recent mammogram- prayers for strength and calm


  • Great energy today from the PAX, so glad to see everyone working hard and having fun
  • If you missed @caslotta Hi-Liter’s re-enactment from ‘A Few Good Men’, you missed a spot-on performance of the trial scene. Ask him for an encore. Oscars are coming up, so I’m thinking a whole movie-themed workout is in order. Stay tuned.
  • This was my second chance to lead the PAX through some yoga - thanks for your willingness to try something new!
  • Thanks to the Refinery crew for some inspiration around patience and persistence. @hermescarpex, you are a scholar and a gentleman - thanks for your leadership!

See also