Rocky Mountain Way

Four HIM enjoyed another beautiful day in downtown Cary, perfect conditions for a Disco Duck beatdown.


One time around the parking lot then circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, burpees, good afternoons and Sir Fazio arm circles (both ways).

The Thang

Hustle over to the rock pile on Academy Street and grab a rock.  Twenty reps of tricep extensions, overhead press, curls for the gurls, rock rows and rock squats.

Hustle over to the rock pile next to the train tracks for fifteen reps of the same exercises.

Hustle back over to the first rock pile for twenty-five reps, bringing the total to sixty of each exercise.

Hustle back over to the pocket park with Crimson providing cadence from his Army days.  In the pocket park we did irkins, a bear crawl to the other side for dips, and another bear crawl back to the first side for derkins.


Circle up for LBCs, dying cock-a-roaches, Freddie Mercury, Hello Dolly, Homer to Marge and burpees.


Count-a-rama: 4 Name-a-rama: 1 RESPECT, 1 meh, 2 HATES Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Crimson’s friend Annette who is in the hospital dealing with many issues that came on suddenly, prayers for the people of Puerto Rico who are still dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane, prayers for Kermit as he searches for a new job, prayers for YHC’s daughter as she struggles to adjust to middle school. BOM: YHC took us out


Did I mention the conditions were perfect?  Cause they were.

Welcome FNG Schneider, Kermit’s younger brother.  The brothers must love each other, or must both have a lot of dirt on each other, because when we were coming up with names I couldn’t get Kermit to share even one embarrasing story.

The plan was to do only fifty reps of the rock exercises, but YHC’s math skills aren’t so sharp when I’m breathing heavy and sweating.

Be there for Crimson’s Full Metal Jacket Q during Respect Week, that’s gonna be good.

Thanks for letting me lead you guys today.

See also