Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me.  FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived.  Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up.  Next complainer was Flip Flop.  Apparently he didn’t take kindly to the lack of a one minute warning.  Oh well, YHC decided - i will buckle up because the complainers are out.

After two nascar laps - we circled up at the flag (brief pause for a disclaimer and a penalty burpee for our FNG and then on to our warm up - GM, HB, SSH, MC, SFAC.  Then we were off again - down to the main cross road and left - then a hard left into the community center lot to shake off the few pax that were trying to run in front of YHC.

Back to the rock pile to pick up a rock and then circle up.  curls, Tricept extensions, Overhead Press, Rock Rows-  x 20 and then all x 15 - switching rocks between each exercise.  Then partner up and put one rock back.  Over at the pickle - play some catch me if you can.

round 1 - walk with rock over head - p2, merkins; round 2 - lunge walk - p2 squats; round 3 - slow jog, p2- burpees.  After this, my plan was to return the rocks - but Nature Boy has an exercise request so instead we moved around to the back of the community center where.

P1 planked while P2 did Wonderbra - flapjack.  Next was P1 - plank and P2 - BTTW.  Finally, we returned the rock and jogged to the Billy Run corner to run back to the flag.

Circle up for a quick Mary consisting of Hello Dolly and LBCs before COT.

After our count and name o rama - we tried to name our FNG.  However, he kept offering opinions about how he liked our choices so we had to continue to degrade them before landing on Lactaid, not Lactate - as only one of those meets the M in church test and even then it is questionable.

Announcements - quadruple down, Christmas party, Gear orders, JoCo clown car - check slack for details

Prayers - Crimson (recovery), Boobo (brother), Sky Blue (M traveling and leaving him alone with 6 kids until Sunday)

YHC took us out.  It is a true pleasure.

See also