Rocks Partner

Or rather Partner Rocks - but had to come some title and a corresponding pic.

Beautiful crisp morning and we are 20 strong. Disclaimer given

Warm Up

Mozy through some cars to alternative parking lot

SSH x 15

Hillbillies x 10

GM x 7

Merkins IC x 10

Thang 1

Partner up with and grab 1 good size rock. We stopped 4 times, with one partner doing rock work and the other an exercise, all in cadence and then swap rock

Stop 1  - Curls and Squats x 12

Stop 2  - Triceps and Merkins x 10

Stop 1  - Rock Row and Freddie Mercs x 10

Stop 4  - Rock Press and Monkey Humpers x 10

Thang 2

Traveling jack webb around the parking lot, stopping at islands. 1 to 2 ratio of the exercises

Hand Release Merkins and Hammers IC

Repeato with Burpees and Jump Squats

Thang 3

Catch me if you can back to rock pile with one partner doing backwards run and the other 5 curls and 5 triceps


LBCs x 10 IC

Have a nice day


Loom inviting PAX to Toastmasters Open House – he is Mr Open House these days

Ezekiel 50th bday Q tomorrow at Tortoises


Kilmer asking for prayers for his son, living in Japan



Swag’s M


YHC’s first stab at a last-minute Q as I have tended to start planning my Qs a week or so out. This was much less stressful, and I appreciate the support of all of the PAX.

Great to see some less familiar faces like Lawn Dart (who is easily recognizable due to his hat). Will he still wear it when the weather changes), Kilmer and Thurston.

Thanks to Biner for the timer support.

Badlands beard is legit.

Sabre was seen running towards the entrance and away from the shovel flag shortly before the workout, but he decided to return for the beatdown.

Speaking of shovel flag, there was none

Nature Boy is stubborn about getting his parking spot(s)

Always an honor and a pleasure to lead these fine men


See also