Rocks Ad Nauseum

12.5 PAX and 2.5 IR PAX assembled at FOD for another round with Beaker - you know who you are Fifty-Fifty.  I’ve had in mind to run a Q that hopped from rock pile to rock pile throughout a site, and today seemed as good as any to try it out.

The Warm-Up (Beaker’s Beginnings)

Jog up to the West FOD entrance where there is a Rock Pile 1 comprised of little baby one-handed rocks.  Pick one for each hand and circle up with arms outstretched for:

Windmills x 10 - hold

Overhead claps x 20 - hold

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 - hold

SSH x 20 - hold

Good mornings x 10 - recover

I think the shoulders are good and warm now

The Thang (Beaker’s Beatdown)

Put those little rocks down.  Jog down four lamp posts and then crawl-bear back one.  Repeat and we were at Rock Pile 2.  Grab one that would make a modest man blush for

15 x Rock-rows in cadence

15 x Curls IC

15 x Presses IC

15 x Tricep extensions IC

Put em down and reverse jog down the road, 4 lamp posts and bear crawl back one.  Repeat.  Repeat.  At that point we were at the gate leading up a very gloomy, very muddy trail to Rock Pile 3.  Choose wisely men ‘cause these rocks are monsters.  Repeat the same four exercises.

Jog back down the gloomy trail to the road and along the road to the mail box.  4 corners around the BIG lot, starting with 10 burpees at the one we were at, then 10 merkins, 10 star jumps, and 10 tuck jumps.  Jog on out to Green Hope School Rd where, lo and behold, there resides Rock Pile 4.  The PAX were pleased to see that these were much more reasonably sized rocks. Repeat the same four exercises.

Indian run all the way back (which Sky Blue and Saban turned into a Billy Run), meeting up with the IR crew in time for 30 Hammers, 10 Freddy Mercurys and 1 have a nice day

The COT (Beaker’s Benediction)

Count o Rama - 15

Name o Rama - Also 15

Announcements: The Bull, Ma Bell Qing OCL on 26Apr18 - clown car leaving Tommy Brooks at 0500.

Prayers: Continued for Swag’s and Hi-Liter’s fathers, Disco Duck’s M.  Something else….there was something else.  I mean, I am absolutely there was something that would have leapt off an ordinary PAX’s tongue almost before the Q had even called for prayers, but it’s eluding me now.  I am really struggling to remember.  Oh well, I may have to move……oh yeah, Callahan and M are expecting 2.1.

NMS (Beaker’s BS)

Although numerous things can be said about this workout, two vignettes suffice to adequately capture the mood

  1. YHC as we arrived at Rock Pile 1: Pick out two little baby rocks, one for each hand.

Sky Blue:  Should we grab Ego Little Baby Rocks

Banjo indicating a non-FiA portion of his body: I’ve got your two ego rocks right here

YHC: Pipe down, Banjo, those are traveling rocks

  1. The bear crawl portion led Pivot to drop some fecal plug knowledge on us.  You read that correctly.  Fecal.  Plug.

And you’re welcome.

See also