Rock Your Body with Bells

YHC is just ITCHING to get back in the gloom!  So it was going to be Hell’s Bells today no matter what.  Looked at the Qalendar to see who was Q’ing and…it was blank.  [yoink!] Now it’s Shut-In!

Gloomiest of glooms loomed amoong oous this mooorning in Carpex. 0510 YHC departs the house.  Wants to get a little early stretch going, start up the music etc. 0520 All the gates are locked.  YHC curses the Cheddarbo gods.  Daylight Savings wins. 0530 YHC, Earhart, Monkey Nut, and Sour Mash farmers carry the bells to the shelter

Then this happened…

Warm up

  • Pop on #TheMaynard playlist the fellas gave me some more AO-themed songs to add.  Will update soon!
  • Good Mornings, SSHs, Sir Fazios, Jack Webbs (1merkin:4air presses up to 5 count)

The Thang

  • Deconstructed “Rock Bell Your Body” sets:
  • Partner up (there’s just 4 of us…easy to find a partner). P1 - does 1 set below P2 - BTTW down to plank when needed Flapjack
  • 5 Full RockYourBodys
  • 10 Deadlifts
  • 15 Curls
  • 20 Shoulder Presses
  • 25 Tricep Extensions

Recover on the Mary  -  LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroaches Now all pax together did the following

  • 30 Lawn Mowers (15 each side)
  • 35 Merkins
  • 40 Dips
  • 45 Colt 45s  (15 1/2 up, 15 1/2 up, 15 full up)
  • 50 American (bell) Hammers

That was all YHC had planned so now winging it just a bit we continued with the following

  • People’s Chair with a bell while 1 at a time pax ran down the parking lot and back.  YHC is on IR.  He did not run…
  • Down to the ground for Mary - Arm to leg raises.  15 and switch.
  • Table top V-Ups?  Butt on table top, legs off one side, arms behind head with the KB off the other making your body horizontal to the ground.  Raise arms up vertical and legs up vertical at the same time to make a V (or U?).  U know what I mean.  15 of em.

As stated above, YHC is out of exercises.  Good time to get the Pax involved.

  • It aint a KB workout until we do:  Around the Worlds and KB swings!
  • More Mary!!
  • Kettle Mercurys
  • KBCs
  • Flutter kicks while hold up your bell
  • Plank-o-rama:  Chilcutt, low, regular, left up, right up.


  • COR and NOR were pretty darn fast.
  • Announcements are on the Website, Slack, and Calendar
  • Prayers:  Earhart’s M, Disco’s M, YHC’s knee, and others.
  • BOM.

Really enjoyed it.  If you haven’t made a KB workout yet…hit it up.  It’s a totally different workout.  Great way to work your muscles differently.  My arms and shoulders are completely dead right now….

See also