Rock out with your ruck out

A confluence of circumstances conspired to germinate the 9/2 Phoenix workout, including:

  • My observation that nobody had signed up to Q the day before
  • The holiday weekend, with plenty of PAX expressing beach-bound intentions, making YHC think that the recent trend of impressive Phoenix numbers would experience a temporary reversal
  • Rucking permanently on the brain, but more so as of late
  • Hello Kitty’s expressed desire to do something other than run
  • My seeking to justify to the M the purchase of yet another ruck
  • My desire to fartsack until 0630 rather than pre-ruck at 0545.

With all that, I figured that between a few of us, we’d be able to come up with enough rucks (or rocks) to put together a 1-hour rucktacular.

Upon our arrival, noting the presence of 15 go-getters and 6 rucks, it was apparent we needed a new plan. After a quick Ollie/Bartman huddle, we split the PAX in half and did a r*ck workout. Thanks to Napster for digging out a couple extra bags so everyone could share the fun.


SSH, GM, IW, Bartmarmorama. Split the PAX down the middle, keeping 2.0’s with their PAX.


  • Move just under 1/2mi, under ruck and with 60lb sandbag and log coupons.
  • Stop and do a small workout, loosely based on one of my favorite Pathfinder ruck WoDs:
    • Squats x20
    • Overhead press x20 (press the ruck)
    • Overhead ruck hold 1'
    • 20 merekins
    • 25yd lunge walk
    • Flutter kicks x20, ruck over chest
  • Move to exchange point (or back to start).
    • Keep together! 10 burpees (nice and slow with the ruck). Yes, both groups found a reason to do some penalty burpees. #alltherulesmatter #eventheonesyoudontknow


  • Something with rocks. Details forthcoming.

Flapjack the teams, keep the SubQs. Second group got an extra team weight from the leftover ruck. Went farther, too. Meet back up at the start point. Some quick Mary and we’re out.

Welcome FNG Luchador (Sour Mash 2.0)!

Prayers for Mississippi starting his basic leadership course, Hi-Liter’s dad, Bartman’s grandfather, and countless others on our hearts. Mississippi took us out in fine fashion.

Good job, fellas. 11.5 more hours of that and you can get a 2x3 square of fabric. Oh, and a new outlook on leadership, strength in adversity, and teamwork. Details to follow…

See also