Rock around the Clock at the Big, Long Scottish Sword

A fine, forty-degree morning to Q what Frisco had told me was Carpex’s newest Tuesday AO, called Big, Long Scottish Sword. Apparently, site tradition holds that only one Site Q may preside at a time, today being the Thane of Pickles, and you have to imagine the flag. No FNGs, so let’s get to work.

Warm up

Backwards walk, high knee walk, and karaoke walk to the roundabout parking lot.

  • Top o’ the mornings
  • Hillbillies
  • Tricep stretch - in search of an F3 name if you’ve got one
  • TIE fighters
  • Deltoid stretch - ditto on the F3 name

Go to the rock pile, where everyone grabs two smallish rocks.

Thang 1 - Rock around the Clock, Upper Body Edition

Each person takes one of the parking slots. The person at the end is the driver, and does a set of exercises, then goes to the end of the slots. Next slot becomes the driver. Meanwhile, everyone else does AMRAP of the same exercises the whole time.

Repeato with different exercises until you work your way around the parking lot. Rumor has it you might see this circuit coming to a Monday AO near you in the near future…

Set 1:

  • Driver does 5 dumbbees
  • Others are doing curls

Set 2:

  • Driver does 5 rock merkins
  • Others are doing overhead presses

Set 3:

  • Driver does 5 rock WW2’s
  • Others are doing flies

Thang 2 - Rock around the Clock - Lower Body DORA Edition

Partner up for DORA. As Partner 1 moseys or marches around the pickle, the other works on:

  • 100 heavy Freddies in cadence counts
  • 200 rock swings
  • 300 goblet squats

Surprise drop-in by Captain Kirk, who helps add to the DORA count.


No, you don’t get to return your rocks yet.

  • Homer-to-marge
  • Heel taps
  • LBCs

Return rocks.


  • Announcements: Stations of the Cross this Friday at Danger Zone, 0545, coffee and donuts follow.
  • Prayers: Crimson’s nephew with cancer.
  • Reflections: This time last year, we weren’t meeting due to quarantine. Help us strengthen our communities, especially those who are still dealing with the ramifications of the coronavirus.

This was my first time Q-ing a limited-run bootcamp. I enjoyed coming up with a mix of exercises and taking the time to focus on form. Also appreciate everyone helping me out with names of the moves and the mumblechatter that helped me modify the moves or times as needed. MIAGD!

See also