Rochambeau or Roshambo?

Hannibal, the leader of the A-Team, had his famous catch phrase, “I love it when a plan comes together.”  Here’s the thing when you’re the QIC of A-Team:  you have to have a Plan A and a Plan B.  The Q’s fate is held with Cheddar Bo.  And like Cousin Eddie, Cheddar Bo shows up when he wants.  On this morning, Cheddar-Bo was akin to a DZ Site Q…….nowhere to be found.  So Plan A was scratched, and like a college girl on Monday morning at the infirmary, I needed Plan B.

This was Plan B: Jog to first lot on right.  Warm-Up:  All performed in perfect cadence by YHC. SSH x 16 —>say hello to Theismann—>SSH x 4, GM 2 x 5, Phelps Arm Swings x 6, Sir Fazio’s forth and retro x 10 each, IW x 10, Merkin x 10 —–> Chilcutt —-> Chilcutt Shakiras x 10 each side—>Chilcutt, Saturday Nite Stretch x 5.

Thang 1:  jog to far A-Team parking lot. Partner Up and perform the C.O.D. (AKA Cucumber Of Death…..we call this P.O.D at Danger Zone (AKA Pickle Of Death):  Partners sprint opposite directions around the cucumber.  When they meet up perform Sumo Squats x 15 and Freddie Mercs x 15.  Continue sprinting/exercises for 6 sets.

Thang 2:  jog to lot between BBall Court and Tennis court. Group 1 to wall in front of tennis court: x 10 each Dips, Irkins, Derkins. Group 2 to wall b/t the two BBall courts: x 10 jump up onto wall or x 10 alternating step ups. When finished sprint to other group.  Flip flop.  x 4-5 sets.

Thang 3:  Jog to rock pile. Partner Up/new partner.  1 massive rock per team. Roshambo Merkins:  partners face each other, perform 3 Merkins, then tri-plank while playing rock-paper-scissors.  Continue with 3 Merkins, tri-plank rock-paper-scissor until a winner is named with 3 overall wins.  Loser performs 5 broad jump burpees, while winner performs Rock Curls.  Next round, loser performs 5 broad jump burpees, while winner performs Paper Hold.  Next round, loser performs 5 broad jump burpees, while winner performs supine scissors.

Thang 3:  jog to basketball court. Ascending Testicles:  start with feet on fence at ~30 degrees.  Every 20 count, move up until you are in a max BTTW position. Sixteens:  sprint sideline-to-sideline 16 times.  Goal to complete is 1 minute.

Thang 4:  Two lines Indian Run to front parking lot. Spider Webbs:  Peter Parker and Web Shooters at a 2:5 ratio.  5 sets.

COT Count-A-Rama and Name-A-Rama: 16 Announcements:  Christmas Party Thursday, Healing Transitions Friday 2:30 p.m. with Holiday Party following, South Wake CSAUP this Saturday Prayer Requests:  Grease Monkey’s mom, Burt’s family member BOM:  Burt took us out with impact words.

  • Nekkid Mole Skin: Temps were cold, but hearts were warm.  There were several icy spots on the pavement that made sprinting the corners fun.
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors was fun.  Pierogi lost every match to Chop Block.  Burt and Ma Bell was a major showdown with each performing at least 100 Merkins because to ties.
  • Why so many groans during Ascending Testicles?
  • Chanticleer ran to the AO and had on his fancy GPS watchy thing, which was so cool that it showed his mileage……but Chanticleer was unable to figure out which button to push to tell time.  What a waste!
  • Speaking of time…Saban kept YHC on track as I didn’t have a watch that worked.  Maybe Santa will bring me one.  Saban was pleased we finished exactly at 6:30.


Twas a pleasure to lead these men today.

See also