RIP Mamba...

I am not the biggest basketball fan, but I am a sports fan. The tragic passing of Kobe Bryant as well as his 13 year old daughter and the other 7 people on the helicopter that crashed transcends basketball and sports all together. I played JV basketball in 10th grade (the only year I ever played in high school) and I vividly remember that I wore Kobe’s shoes that season. Anyway, the point is that the world lost a legend yesterday. And a family lost their husband and father and daughter and sister. And I wanted to pay a little homage to one of the greats today at Wolverine. Thanks to all that came out and participated. Here’s what went down:

Warmup: 16 at the flag, and no FNGs so the pledge was recited and 6 bruisers went their way to do bruiser things and 10 bootcampers headed to the school. Circle up in the first parking lot for:
SSH IC x81 (Kobe scored 81 points on 1/22/06 against the Raptors)
Good Mornings IC x5
Hillbillies IC x10
Seal Claps IC x10
Plank Jacks IC x10
Calf Stretch L&R x10 silent count

Thang 2: Mosey to the next parking lot over for the main Kobe inspired part of the beat down. Start at one end of the pickle with 8 (KB’s jersey #) reps of an exercise then to the other side of the pickle for 24 (KB’s other jersey number) reps of another and then back to the start. 5 (# of championships) rounds total.
Rd 1- Merkins & Bobby Hurleys (I mean, I had to)
Rd 2- Wide grip Merkins & LBCs
Rd 3- Carolina Dry Docks & Jump Lunges
Rd 4- Diamond Merkins & Dying Cockroaches
Rd 5- Burpees & Low Slow Flutter

Thang 3: Head back to the top of the driveway and get into 2 lines for an indigenous peoples run back to the church parking lot. This was somewhat successful. Once we all arrived at the parking lot we lined up for gassers.
Sprint 2 parking spaces and back, then to 4 and back, 6 and back and finally 8. Plank hold while everyone finishes.
Recovery mosey around the church parking lot pickle and head back to the flag.

Mary: Each bootcamper led the PAX in a Mary exercise including:
Mamba Hammers (thanks for that Flip Flop), LBCs, 100s, Merkins, Pickle Pounders, Box Cutter, Homer to Marge, I’m missing one and then just as Hi-Liter strolled up with the bruisers, Geek Squad called Side Plank Star Crunch to his delight! They are catching on.
YHC then led folks with a few stretches, runner’s stretch L & R, pigeon stretch L & R, calf stretch L & R, and butterfly stretch. Have a nice day!

Announcements: Krispy Kreme Challenge this Saturday. Murph before at 0630. Meet in Pullen Park parking lot.

Prayers/Praises: Obviously, prayers for Kobe’s family as they mourn the loss of two of their own. Also to the people of Los Angeles which seem to be taking the news pretty hard as well. You just never know which day will be your last.
Prayers for those high school seniors that may be dealing with less than ideal news regarding their futures in college.
Prayers to Hi-Liter and Geek Squad that will be travelling this week and next.
Unspoken prayers.

NMS: As I mentioned and Hi-Liter expanded on, you just never know when your time on this planet is up, so make the best of it. I’m honored that people made the decision to allow me to lead them through part of their day today. As I’m sure we do everyday, kiss your wife, kids, pets, whoever is most important to you before you leave for the day. I certainly know I will. MIAGD!

Special shout out to Cauliflower for the Spotted Cow cans!

See also