Right Arm Up. (I mean left leg out.)

Hey, who brought this 40lb sand bag? Oh, that’s right. I did. Pick it up and let’s go.

Ran from the flag, up the hill,  to the parking lot near the Green Hope entrance.

Warm Up

Good Morning, Windmill, Cotton Picker, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, OH Clap, Seal Clap again because Nature Boy was making a funny face, SSH, Bobby Hurley

Thang 1

We grabbed the 40lb sandbag and headed back to the top of the hill. We lined up shoulder to shoulder down the hill and did a “bucket” brigade pass from one person to the next. After passing the bag we completed 2 Burpees then ran to the front of the line. When arriving at the front, we completed a cadence count of 2 Mountain Climbers, finishing just in time to stand up and be handed the bag again.

(side note: Before the exercise began there was some rumbling about having to stand around waiting for the bag. However once the exercise began we quickly found that it took all you had to get back up from the burpees and mnt. climbers to get the bag in time. Surprisingly then, some started holding on to the bag a little longer actually creating the problem they were worried about. Hmmm)

We got to the bottom of the hill, then dropped the bag and ran back to the top, then back down, and lined up for another round and repeated the exercise. Once completed we picked up the bag and ran to the rock pile.

Thang 2

Partner up and grab a “tweener” rock. Ran over to the grassy hill by the baseball field where the sidewalk forms a triangle. Partner 1 - BTTW on the fence, Partner 2 - with the rock 5x curls then bear crawl with the rock around the triangle stopping to do 5x shoulder presses and 5x tricep extensions, when back to the start, switch with partner. We repeated this exercise twice.

We then moseyed over to the shelter for OYO 5x Pullups, Derkins & Dips. We repeated this working down from 5 reps to 1. Then quickly drop off the rocks and head to the flag.


Boat To Canoe (or kayak, or dinghy, whatever), Plank Variations, 100’s


Prayers for Claven and House who both have family members traveling to Beirut, and for a family that Nature Boy knows who is dealing with the loss of the husband/father.

Praises for Water Wings and Snots.

YHC took us out with a quote from JFK

“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. There are risks and costs to action, but they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.”


See also