Rhyme For No Reason

4 HIM gathered, ’twas the break of dawn

Bogo planted the flag in the lawn

2 more arrived, comin’ in hot

Sabre was driving, the turn he forgot

“Let’s do two laps ‘round that pickle,

heck let’s make it three, I’m feelin’ fickle”

Now time for a warmup, start from the top:

GMs, windmills, Fazio, Straddle Hops.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear?

But a deck of cards, and a workout to fear.

The Deck of Death, with 91 reps of each

But the Q lost count, so Saban had to teach

Hearts are Merkins, Clubs are star jumps,

Diamonds are burpees, Spades are squat jumps.

Jokers are wild, you get to double the next pain,

One-eyed Jacks, the choice of the PAX doth reign.

One-armed Merkins in honor of Hermes,

Hi-Liter’s one-legged burpees you shall pay.

LBCs, dub-dub-2’s, Freddy Merc’s galore,

Rooney called Wolverine and we begged for more.

We reminisced Moped’s first day,

And prayed for Banjo to get back in the fray.

An honor to lead, ’twas all mine,

I bid you adieu ’til next time.

See also