Revenge the Fifth - Happy Sith Day!

I am a Star Wars fan nerd and coming off Q’ing yesterday, May The 4th Be With You, I had to continue with today - May 5th or Revenge of the Fifth playing off the words of Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith.

The Dark Side of the Force was strong this AM.

“True power can come only to those who embrace the transformation.”- Darth Revan.

Pledge of Allegiance

No Warm-up.

The Thang

PAX did a 45 minute straight AMRAP (1 min exercise/10 sec. rest) with the following stations:

1. Force Lightning (Battlerope)
2. AT - STs (Lunges)
3. Force Pushes (Chest Press with Kettlebells)
4. Force Merkin (Merkin with push into air)
5. Imperial Walkers
6. Kessel Run (Sprints)
7. Wookie Squats (Air Squats - You are trying to reach a Wookie’s head)
8. Boosters (Dips)
9. Trooper Marches (Step-ups)
10. Skywalkers (Flutter Kicks)
11. Tie Fighters (Lunge with Arm Circles)
12. Han to Leia (Homer to Marge)Ended with 15 X-Wing Dive Bombs (Shoulder Tap Merkins)

Ended with 15 X-Wing Dive Bombs (Shoulder Tap Merkins)

Through passion, I gain strength. (Sith Code)

See also