Return of the Sharknado

24 Pax gathered round the flag at the Skate Park to join Rooney & Imp for the quarterly fitness test known as the Sharknado. Water Wings began the tradition and it was carried on by Parker and GTL. Now Rooney and Imp are your site Q’s at BH so the tradition will continue. After the disclaimer was given, we moseyed over to Apex Town Hall.

Warm Up - Rooney led us in 15x SSH, 7x Good AM’s, 15x Mountain Climbers, 5x Burpees OYO, 5x Diamond Merkins, 5x WW2 Sit Ups, 5x Standard Merkins, & 5x Scorpion Dry Docks

The Thang - The Sharknado - 25 Minutes

15 Burpees - 1 Lap

20 Diamond Merkins - 1 Lap

20 WW2 Sit Ups - 1 Lap

20 Standard Merkins - 1 Lap

20 Scorpion Dry Docks - 1 Lap

Repeat as many times as possible, keeping track of your score (each exercise = 0.1; each lap = 0.1)

Scores can also be found on the following Google Doc:

Playlist by Rooney = “Seek & Destroy” by Metallica, “Joker & the Thief” by Wolfmother, “Rearviewmirror” by Pearl Jam, “You Could Be Mine” by Guns & Roses, “Testify” by Rage Against the Machine

The Thang 2 - Balls to the Wall Burnout

As is tradition, following the Sharknado, we moseyed over to the Tunnel of Love for BTTW as long as you can hold it. As is tradition, Honeycomb won.

We moseyed back to the flag for American Hammers (20x IC) and Have a Nice Day.


Welcome to FNG Prosecco who survived a Sharknado for his first post without spilling Merlot.

Truly IMPressed by the scores this time around guys, especially on a week where many of us did a Murph on Monday. There were several guys that posted scores above 3.0 which is really good.

Prayers for Parker’s father-in-law, David, who is battling cancer and Ma Bell’s friend’s granddaughter, who is having surgery to remove a cyst near her brain.

After the workout Sub and Parker were seen with a chainsaw. We take this Sharknado thing very seriously.

See also