Return of the Deck II

YHC read Kermit’s Rush Hour BB yesterday and thought it was time to bring out a slightly different version of the deck.

F3 Workout Deck - Waterproof Beatdown Box Card Deck

Funny story first though.  Yesterday YHC posted to the Cary Cartel channel an optional to EC before BH to work the Hillz challenge.  Plan was to meet at the bottom of the Shepherd’s Vineyard segment and run in then do another repeat on the way back.  No one smashed the HC button so I wasn’t expecting anyone so I was very pleasantly surprised to see two cars in the parking lot at 0505 when I pulled up.  Thinking this is my crew, I parked a spot over from one of the cars and gave a honk.

Well… turns out Shepherd’s Vineyard before dawn is popular for more than dudes running away hill segments.

Realizing that these were not the HIMs I was expecting, I considered moving the Jeep over a few spots but thought better of it.  After all, I was parked more than 6’ away.  And it’s not like they could see much through the haze.  It must take a particularly motivated individual to get up that early for a dooby.   But whatever.  To bemused glances, YHC got out in my TTT best, strapped on a headlamp and headed out … quietly hoping that all four tires would still be on the car when I got back.

About 20 minutes later, arriving at BH, it was time to put the Q face on.

Warmup: the Pledge and a quick count to confirm legal attendance. Let’s mosey. Some arm circles, SSH, IW, merkins, PJs.

Thang: pearls on a string out of a box.  We moseyed somewhere, pulled out 4 to 6 cards, did what they said, then moseyed somewhere else.  Did that a few times.  Added a sprint in the middle (Metro Station Sprint - check out the Strava segment) but sadly only PSI’s tracker caught it.  Turns out the segment starts a bit earlier than I thought it did.  We eventually moseyed back towards the flag and let ourselves in through the open door to the plush astroturf fields.  Crab walk to the first line - card - crab walk back; lunge to the second line - card - lunge back; bear crawl to midfield - card - mosey back.  Repeato.

Mary: fair amount of core during the Thang so closed out with 25x IC LBC and 20x IC L/R heel touches.


Still 10. New edisode of the Relationship Roadtrip from Smokey is dropping today.
Prayers for all our brothers on IR.
YHC took us out.


  • One big plus to all this quarantining is there are many Q spots open and plenty of time in the AMs to travel.  Looking forward to hitting up many other POGL AO’s in the next month or two.
  • If you are interested in said deck of cards, you can purchase yours here:
  • If you are cheap, you can simplify.  Card value = Reps.  Card suit = Exercise.
    • Hearts = Cardio
    • Spades = Legs
    • Clubs = Core
    • Diamonds = Upper
  • My car was still there. So were the tires.  The other cars were not.  I guess they went for a run.

See also