Respectable Anniversary

  • When: November 12, 2019   
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX:  Goose, Nature Boy, Franklin, Sky Blue, Dirty Bomb, Spit Valve, Spit Shine, Beaker, Ma Bell, Hi-Liter, Pigeon, Ezekiel, Liverpool, The Commish, Gump, Geek Squad, FNG:  Gipper, YHC Earhart

18 PAX gather in the gloomy and drizzly morning for YHCs first Q and post as a respect.  I am also celebrating my 4-year anniversary.  Welcome FNG: Gipper (brought out by Dirty Bomb).  Disclaimer done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for:

Warm Up

Side-Straddle Hops (single count 50)

Steve Earls


Sir Fazio

Mountain Climbers

Burpees (5 OYO)

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, we mosey up the street back toward the main parking lot, stopping at each light pole (that was on) and performing 10 merkins of various styles (regular, wide-grip, diamond, left-offset, then right-offset) for a total of 50 merkins.  How better to start a workout at FOD than with Merkins.

Oh, look a rock pile.  PAX instructed to grab a non-traveling rock and oval up for 10 reps of:

Curls for girls

Overhead Presses

Tricep Extensions

Rock rows

Goblet Squats

We rotate X number of rocks to the left between each round for a total of 4 rounds.  We finish with those and put the rocks gently back in the pile.  Looks like the site-Qs need to perform a rock relocation Q in the future, pull some rocks from a pile over by the stadium.

Mosey over to the field and circle up in the center (5 burpees OYO) for some four-corner work.  Again, 10 reps of each exercise in the corner you are aligned to:

Carolina Dry Docks

Australian mountain climbers (left-right one)

Monkey Humpers

Jump squats

We return to the circle, squat hold, do some burpees just because they are good stretching exercises.  We have time for one more round of the above then it is time to head back to the parking lot.

Quickly, grab a curb for some quick feet then circle up for:


10 reps of



Flutter Kicks

Dying cockroaches

High-plank J-los

Bell tolls 6:30 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  18 PAX


I am honored to lead a fine group of HIM!

See also