Respect Week Closer - Phoenix Style

Date: 11/21/20

PAX: @WWW @Pigeon @Pierogi @Saban @heythere @baywatch @En Garde @Wrench @Entitlement @Big Red @hgtv @Kwik Stop @Happy Gilmore @VHS @Ollie @Kidney Stone

Burt made the call out for Respects to pick-up a Q this week. It was a call to challenge Respects to lead the PAX to grow and accelerate. The amazing part of being a Respect is age is a number and not a discriminator. Respects can bring it and I have been a part of two Respect Qs this week and they brought it. @Franklin and @Cauliflower delivered.

I wanted to ensure that I could also deliver with my Phoenix Q. It is 1 hr which I have to fill with a routine that will challenge the PAX. I have Q’d my fair share and this was no different. I wanted to push the PAX, so as normal, I take some time to prepare a workout.

We did the F3’ministravia things. Cited the core values, mission and credo. Pledged to Old Glory and off we went. We moseyed around the Senior Center and back to the flag to warm-up. Control Freak good mornings, Sir Fazio, calf stretch with merkins.

Thang 1: De-escalator (jump squats x10; lunge x10 single count). Run/walk around the pickle. Repeato x9, mosey, repeato x8 mosey etc. until you end with 1. 

Thang 2: directed the PAX to my truck to get their coupons. Each PAX get 2 pavers. We mosey to thang 2 starting point where QIC/YHC have the PAX count of by two. Thang 2 is 5 exercises, 5 reps each (burpees, bent over flys, paver swings, curls and presses). #1 go left light pole to light pole and #2 go right doing the same. We will meet up at the starting point. There are 24 light poles.

I’m glad Ollie was keeping track of the time. A few of use got just a little over 50% complete when QIC had to call an audible. Get back to the flag and not be late. Success! We got back in time to do a little Mary. QIC calls ABC WWW style. Have a nice day.

COR: 15 boot campers + 1 rucker

NOR: True HIMs

Sixth Man reintroduction: Entitlement

Announcements: lots of things a happening in Carpex.


Age is only a number. The way you feel is how you approach and attack life. Life life with vigor, love and vitality.

It was an honor to lead you all through a fun-filled Respect Q. Thanks for having me lead you,

See also