Respect Travel Tours Presents

Respect Travel cordially invites you to join us on our tour tomorrow at 6:30 AM sharp. We are proud to provide guides (not professionals) to lead you in the following activities as you mozy through scenic New Hampshire/Phoenix.

  • I’ve dropped my teeth and I need to find them
  • Getting up in the middle of the night
  • Cashing the Social Security Check at the bank
  • We may be over the hill, but…
  • Where’s my walker
  • Taking the grandkids to the playground
  • Bingo time
  • I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

Meet at the Senior Center naturally. Your guides will be Grinch and Term Paper

Disclosure – since they are old and occasionally move slowly, one or more of the scheduled activities is subject to cancellation based on the allotted tour time of 1 hour. No refunds.