Respect the Deck

When: November 7, 2017 AO: Rush Hour QIC: Biner PAX: Captain Kirk, Crimson, Disco Duck, Freebird, Kermit, Seahorse

6 of Carpex’s finest PAX showed up last Tuesday afternoon to start the Respect Week Rush Hour workout. Seahorse from F3-Wilmington rolled in after the warm up.

Warm Up One lap around the parking lot followed by 25 SSHs, some MCs, and some quick feet. Mosey over to the parking deck. Picked up Seahorse on the way. He was from out of town and hit some traffic on the way. So no penalty burpees.

Thang 1 From the bottom of the first ramp, sprint to the top of the first ramp followed by 40 seconds of sumo squats AMRAP, 40 seconds PJs AMRAP, 40 seconds CDDs AMRAP, 40 seconds jump lunge AMRAP, 30 seconds burpees AMRAP, 40 seconds plank. Recover on the mosey to the bottom of the 2nd ramp. Then a round of mucho chesto (10 merkins, 10 wide grip merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 10 right hand offset merkins, 10 left hand offset merkins). Recover for a few seconds. About 20 each of hammers, LBCs, dying cockroaches, box cutters.

Thang 2 Same as Thang 1 except start from the bottom of the 2nd ramp and only 8 reps on the mucho chesto.

Thang 3 Same as Thang 1 and 2 starting from the 3rd ramp, but bear crawling a third of the way before sprinting.

And that’s all the time we had.

COT Announcements: the usual Prayers: The family of Crimson’s boss. Family friend of Disco Duck. Serenity in the workplace. Disco Duck took us out.

See also