Pulling into the Senior Center (an apt place to start for RESPECT Week, as so many pointed out - hardy har har), I could tell there was 24K magic in the air. Someone brought a Wal-Mark special fishing rod, an obvious nod to YHC’s fishing prowess. Some PAX were already sweating from Insomnia; some were sweating the impending beatdown they were about to receive; some took the easy way out and Vespered their way out of a beatdown; some rucked because, you know, running sucks and walking’s not enough.

0545, follow me. Wait, where is everybody? Apparent confusion reined. YHC was confused at the confusion. I mean it’s 0545. Isn’t that when we start. I had given the 45 second warning…oh, I don’t know…45 SECONDS AGO. Run to the Billy Run line and circle up. First order of business: 5 burpee penalty for False Start. Now we warm up:


  • 10 Standard Merkins
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Wide Grip Merkins
  • 10 Offset (Right Arm Forward) Merkins
  • 10 Offset (Left Arm Forward) Merkins

Jog to the bottom of the community center parking lot and circle up for 50 SSH. Is there a trend here? Maybe.

The Thang

RESPECT Ladder #1 - 5 Merkins at bottom, bear crawl 15 yards to the light post, 10 Merkins, run to circle, 15 Merkins, run back down to bottom, 20 Merkins. Repeato with Squats. Repeato with LBCs.

Jog across the street, down past the kiosk and over to the amphitheater, which unbeknownst to YHC is undergoing various renovation projects. We’ll make do.

RESPECT Ladder #2 - Lunge Walk up one aisle and do 5 Star Jumps at the top, run back down the opposite aisle and do 10 box jumps (EVERY TIME). Scratch that, make it Merkins. Repeato with 10, 15, and 20 star jumps at the top. On the second set, confusion apparently reigned despite the impeccably delivered instructions. So 10 penalty burpees for everyone. People…come on now.

Jog back to the path and over to the boat ramp, down to the water line.

RESPECT Ladder #3 - Up the boat ramp for 5, 10, 15, and 20 Knee Tuck Jumps at the top, 10 Merkins EVERY TIME at the bottom.

Jog back to the kiosk and over to bottom of the hill in the dale.

RESPECT Ladder #4 - Up the hill for 5, 10, 15, and 20 American Hammers at the top, 10 Merkins at the bottom

Back to Billy Run line and…surprise… Billy Run to the parking lot where we met the Vesperers for


25 Flutter Kicks 25 Box Cutters


Count-a-rama: 34 Name-a-rama: 8 RESPECTS, 23 mehs, 3 Hates. 1 FNG, “Mmmbop” Announcements: Collecting used and new workout shoes and clothes for the men at Haven House - get them to Chinese Downhill; We’ll be collecting toys for Toys 4 Tots again this year. Bring them to the AOs and give them to a site Q or YHC; Burt announced the Healing Transitions fundraising raised $80K. 6 F3 groups led the efforts! Prayers - Water Wings’ friend; Mississippi’s brothers in arms; WKRP’s M’s Uncle BOM: YHC took us out


  • There are 2 song titles in this BB. First person to point them both out (and the artists) in the comments wins a free beer from Ma Bell. One of them was given to you during the workout.
  • Banjo was just trying to egg YHC on - something about a Clemson game. I rather think he does that because he actually enjoys penalty burpees.
  • Welcome Mmmbop. I tried to steer the PAX in a different direction, bruh. But they wouldn’t let it go.
  • Speaking of not letting it go, did you see how Hello Kitty tried to work in “Dice” during the name-a-rama? Some form of punishment must be administered. YHC will be talking with the leadership council in the coming days.
  • That fishing rod that mysteriously appeared in the parking lot pre-workout hasn’t seen any action since Franklin did a proper push-up. Put some WD-40 or something on that reel, dang.
  • Thanks for letting me lead you men, this morning. It is always a blessing.

See also