Respect for the LIBRARY

The Cary Community Library opened on Academy Street in 1977. Not quite a F3 respect, but worthy of our appreciation and recognition. I fondly remember many visits with my daughters for reading time and summer reading programs.

Warm Up:
Mosey to Baptist Church
Good Evenings Nice and slow
Sir Fazio

Thang 1: L.I.B.R.A.R.Y.
L- Lt. Dans: From the corner to the benches. Count of 10
I- Inch Worm. Benches to stone benches
B- Bat Wings: Start with 20 x Forward Arm Circles, hold, 20 x Backwards Arm Circles, hold, 20 x seal claps, hold, 20 x overhead claps. Everything is on a 4-count.
R- Rosalita Wip: start at 90° 1- count: open; 2 count: closed; 3 count: 6”; 4 count: back to 90°. 20 IC
A- Alligator Merkin: Walking Merkin. Alternate stepping hands forward on successive merkin reps. From bench to bench. The timing of this is harder than expected.
R- Reverse Crunch: 20 IC
Y- YHQ Picks: Run to the light and back. Y exercises are lacking and I’m not going to do one named for a Russian (Yurbee)-even if he invented Plyometrics.
Modified LIBRARY before heading back to the flag.

Thang 2
Mosey to grassy spot with the 2-piece horse.
On the Way: Dips at the church; Merkins waiting for the light; bear crawl at ToC building.
Found a railing near the Police Dept. Australian chin ups, pole dancing, Australian chin ups.

Dolly: Thanks Captain Kirk

Left leg/Right leg stretch
Left over right thread the needle/switch
V stretch
30 seconds on your own

3 Respects, Kirk, and 1 Hate. Welcome back Dice after a year and time off for knee surgery.
COT: Prayers for Dice’s family as they mourn the loss of his Uncle and safe travels to West Virginia. Prayers for healing Kermit’s dad’s back. Prayers for Cauliflower’s daughters and their travels.

- Dice said he got his name because he was an FNG attending an AO the day after Hello Kitty was named. Apparently HK wanted to be named Dice and it was rejected, so the Q used “Dice” on his next FNG. Anybody corroborate that story?

See also